Jegulus's gay awakening

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Ft, pan James and gay regulus
Not really a headcanon but anyway

I feel like the reason James realised he was pan (he's pan, fight me) was actually Remus they got drunk playing truth or dare and James was dared to kiss Remus so he did it (he definitely didn't end up with a black eye from Sirius the next morning) cause James potter turn down a dare? Never and he was t expecting to like it but he did so he "experimented" by telling marelene and asking if he could kiss her to see if he liked kissing girls and he did so he realised he was pan cause he wanted to fall in love with a person not their gender. Regulus found out he was gay bc he would have dated Pandora for a while then realised he definitely did not like girls romanticly and then he stayed bestie with Pandora cause Pandora is 100% asexual, aromatic.

A/n I'll post one of how they got together soon bc I'm a bit obsessed with jegulus rn
Ps, all fanart I use in any of these are not mine and I found on Pinterest

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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