our final goodbye

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(4/4 this is the deadline. I've had so much fun writing this so it's sad to see it go. But hey! There will be more soon but not with this because this is the last chapter. So I hope you had fun reading this :) so yeah, have fun ;_;)

January 1, 20XX
Nevada mountains
Third person POV

"3....2....1! Happy new years!" They shouted. It was New Years. The gang was having fun in the mountains, doing normal stuff you could say. Ryeyumi was watching the fireworks, Deimos just napping, Sanford and Hank where practicing sentences, and 2BDamned was watching making sure no one good hurt. "This is really cool!" Ryeyumi said. "Normally we would hear explosions, but aren't fireworks just explosions in the sky?" 2B said. "Yep!" She replied. "You guys are stupid-" "Wanna say that louder Deimos?" "Nevermind." The sky was filled with colors with the fire works going. "So w-what now?" Hank asked. "Anything, there's nothing really much to do. The madness is gone and the state seems normal! So there isn't much to do." Sanford replied. "Hmmmm, I got something in mind!" Deimos said.

"Why do we have Happy Meals again?" Deimos again. "You are kids shut up." 2B replied. "Just because your way older than us doesn't mean you can call us kids- oh look a pony!" Sanford said while pulling out a MLP you from the Happy Meal Box. "T-this is...werid." Hank said. "But the food is good! Can't lie." Ryeyumi said "True that." Deimos replied. "You know what, I think this year is gonna be a good one. No madness, no chaos, no nothing." Sanford said. "You might be right Sanford, you just might be right."

(Sorry that is is just super short! I just didn't know what to put without it making look like there will be a next part. So I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction and have a good rest of your day!        -All thanks The Author)

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