Chapter 5: Imperium of Electron Control

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 Sven informed the team about the change of plans. There have been a few disruptions to the original one, so the team needed to adjust and adopt a new strategy. Nonetheless, the unfavorable event had already been reckoned and expected that’s why a back up plan was already prepared just in case it does happen.

“There are about twelve possible events that might force your team the alter the original plan. I formulated three back-up plans to counter the said twelve events…”

Sven recalled how their mysterious organization leader and planner, a man only known by the alias “Aphelion”, explained to them what the twelve events and the back-up plans were. The use of a decoy trick was the 11th event and in order to counter it, back-up plan number three must be put to use.

The VX-10 speed yacht began its change of course and started sailing far north. The speed yacht was white in color and bore a small V.S.Y.C. logo at one side. It originally belonged to the Vent Speed Yachters Club before it was stolen from their port. The stolen VSYC yacht was needed for the crime blueprint since it would serve as the final transportation for the package. Night sailing was a common activity done for leisure by rich members of the VSYC. Hence, the stolen yacht was the perfect escape vehicle since it could camouflage itself at sea at night along with the other VSYC yachts.

They would be delighted to return the favor of being tricked by a decoy after the transferring of the package from land to sea transportation. The incompetent Vent police would have no idea that the stolen car they would be tracking and chasing no longer carries the package. While the unsuspected and seemingly innocent yacht, would be sailing the package away at sea in peace and without any police contact.

And that’s mission accomplished.

So now, Sven must make sure that the plan goes as smooth as possible. He needs to reach the abandoned Peruno Harbor in the next 35 minutes as the plan required. It was now up to Caesar to execute “Back-up Plan #3” properly and completely accomplish this mission.

 This time, there is no more room for error.


Like a raging bull, the Carvonet slammed hard against Caesar’s large body. The giant didn’t even flinch a bit after the 30 kilometers per hour force impacted on him. The only effect it had on him was that he was now being pushed a few meters away from his original position as he tries to slow it down. He “hugged” the car’s front bumper with his large arms and anchored his legs to the ground. The Carvonet began losing its speed.

The driver stunned and more panicking than ever, stepped as hard as he could on the pedal to gain some acceleration back. But it was too late, Caesar managed to lift the car’s front part sending the driver leaning far back to his seat. The man still had his legs on the pedal and tried to force some motion to overcome the giant. It was a big mistake. With the front wheels not touching the ground, the rear wheels revolved madly causing the car to flip over with a loud crash. The windows were shattered and the doors broke slightly open.

Blair acting alertly, checked for the driver and passenger’s condition. The driver was alive and screaming, but Eulalie was out cold. The young girl might have passed out due to too much panic. But it wasn’t Eulalie’s condition that concerned him most. It was Katrina Hendricks’ bleeding head that needed attention.

“Ms. Katrina! Are you all right?!” Blair shouted.

The woman touched her head and saw the injury she received. She gave Blair a panic-stricken look but assured the young man she was fine.

“It’s just a scratch… But we’re still on danger, right!?” she replied.

Hearing this, Blair gave the broken door a violent kick, creating an entrance for them to get out. With all his strength he pulled out Katrina and the unconscious Eulalie to safety while the driver managed to get out by himself, still screaming.

“Don’t worry, there’s no leakage on the gasoline tank,” told Caesar a deep voice. He pointed especially at the driver and added. “You’re all over reacting.”

Blair got up on his knees and punched the panicking driver to return him to his senses. And he did, as he was able to listen carefully to Blair’s instructions to bring the two ladies away from the scene to somewhere safer for the meantime. As the driver left with the two ladies, Blair saw his chance of getting some action with the behemoth in front of him.

“No ones escaping tonight,” Caesar said. His deep voice sounded like thunder.

“That was supposed to be my line--- For you!” Blair said.

“We’ll see… we’ll see…” Caesar replied.

Many would think Blair was mad if he thought he had a chance of beating the big giant. But that is if you don’t really know the young TALON member that well. Blair had a peculiar ability of his own. An imperium as what many experts called it, referring to an extraordinary ability he possessed. Its origin and how it functions is still unknown to modern scientific knowledge. But scientists are doing their best in explaining and understanding this phenomenon. All of the world’s scientific efforts at this time are being spent on deciphering the “Imperium Code” resulting to the formation of the international I.R.D.O. (Imperium Researchers and Decoders Organization).

There are currently 36 known and recognized imperiums by the IRDO. A more precise explanation of what imperium is, is given by the organization: it is the extraordinary ability of any biological organism to defy the laws of physics, biology, and other natural laws that govern the universe.

Any biological organism and not only human beings can possess an imperium. Animals and even microorganisms have shown the ability to house the extraordinary gift. Life forms possessing an imperium are unofficially referred to as “malums” by the IRDO. The organization proposed of recognizing malum as a new specie for every life form in earth; classifying life forms possessing imperium under the specie malum. But majority of the scientific community disagreed with IRDO’s proposal, citing that there is no noticeable and considerable difference between the so-called malums and their average counterpart. Except for the possession of an imperium, malums and normal creatures were very much alike. Biological studies conducted on malums have shown no significant difference to the average anatomy, metabolism, and cell function of its non-malum counterpart.

Until now, the imperium remains a mystery to be solved…

And Blair wanting to put this imperium of his into action removed his gloved hands and started stretching his aching fingers. Moments later, blue sparks started surrounding his bare hands. The blue sparks gave of the sound of an electrical buzz. It got brighter and brighter until the sparks looked more like a miniature version of lightning and the sound buzz meanwhile, becoming more like thunder.

Caesar seeing this began to step back. He clenched his fist and prepared for the gamble he was going to play with Blair that involves their lives as bets.

“This is the 7th imperium,” Blair said. “Also known as the imperium of electron control.”

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