♠Chapter 16♠

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"Everything seems so perfect. Then what was the exact problem?"Moonbin asked in confusion. The grand king took a deep breathe and spoke.

"It all happened because of a promise. A promise which lead to this."

Others looked at each other feeling extremely confused about this.

"Promise? What promise?"Seo Ji asked.

"The King's promise to a witch."The humans from earth felt goosebumps all over their bodies hearing the old ghost's words.

"Huh? Witch? Does it even exist?"Sanha asked the Grand King.

"In our time, witches were available. And to answer you. Yes, witches exists now too, but not that much. It's just they hide themselves as humans knows many different ways to deal with them."Ara gulped quietly while holding Sanha's right arm unconsciously. Sanha noticed but didn't say anything. Not that he mind it a bit. Instead, he was enjoying.

Seeing Ara and Sanha, Moonbin sighed and looked at Seo Ji, who was looking at the Grand King with an unbothered and attentive face.

Why can't she be like Ara for a single minute? I feel so jealous of Sanha now--- Moonbin thought with a small pout. But soon his attention was captured by the Grand King, who started talking.

"At our time, so many people worshipped them as witches bear so many powers. Some even took help from the witches. But they had to sacrifice something big in return. And the King did the same mistake. He took help from the witch when a very powerful kingdom was about to attack on our kingdom. Our kingdom didn't had enough soldiers. Our losing chances were high. So the witch helped us win the battle with her power. But in return....."The Grand King trailed off making others anxious.

"Return? Come on! Now just tell us!"Moonbin literally whined.

"Well......in return, the King has to give his elder son. And this was the promise."


"What the fu*k!!"

"My Gosh...."


This was everyone's reactions. The four young boys and girls looked at each other with surprised faces.

"What the hell! Am I thing or what?"Moonbin said in pure disbelief.

"Yeah. Plus, why would the witch want to take him? He isn't even a bit attractive."Sanha said while eying Moonbin from head to toe. Moonbin immediately smacked Sanha's head from behind and gave a stern look to the younger.

"This was how witches plays. The witch wanted Soobin to marry her daughter, that's why she wanted to take Soobin with her. And again to answer you Sanha, one day the witch met Soobin in disguise and as you know Soobin was a kind and warm hearted person, his behaviour caught the witch's attention. That's why. Besides, you didn't even born at that time."the Grand King explained the last line with a chuckle.

"But why marry him with her daughter? He was a human."Seo Ji asked. Moonbin looked at her in happiness when he thought about Seo Ji being jealous. To be honest, Seo Ji slightly felt like that, but shrugged it off.

"Yes, he was a human, but humans can marry witches. It was legal."The Grand King answered Seo Ji making her nod her head.

"Next what happened?"Getting impatient, Ara spoke finally.

"When we won the battle, the witch was about to take Soobin with her. But the King suggested the witch to take Soobin at his marriage age as Soobin was so little at that time. The witch agreed with him and gave time. But the King messed everything up. When Soobin reached at his marriage age, he married Soobin with Princess Lora and broke the promise. When the marriage happened, the witch didn't knew about it. But when she got to know, she came to the palace and killed my son and my daughter-in-law mercilessly."The Grand King paused a bit to hide his tears and then started again.

"Hearing the news, the King, I mean Soobin, who became King after his marriage, Queen Lora, Prince Hyunbin and his fiance ran to the hallroom to see the dead bodies laying on the floor. The witch saw them and got angry seeing Soobin wrapping his arm around Lora protectively. Lora was pregnant at that time. But it didn't melt the witch's heart. In anger, the witch killed everyone who were in the hallroom. After killing the King, Queen, the Prince and his fiance, the witch cursed our souls to be trapped here after our death."The Grand King finished explaining.

"Woah! That was a long a** story but interesting."Sanha exclaimed.

"So, the person who attacked on Moonbin was the witch? What does she want now?"Seo Ji asked feeling angry. She herself didn't know why seeing Moonbin hurt was bothering her too much.

"You guys reborn. So, she is back to kill you guys again cause she knows that only you guys can set our souls free from this curse."The boys and girls looked at each other worriedly.

"How can we help you? We don't have any power nor do we know any kind of magic."Ara asked confusedely.

"You guys will know when the right time comes."the grand king said making Moonbin roll his. He felt so irritated but didn't spoke it out loud.

"I......I don't know what is happening. I just want to rest for a bit. These all are too much."Moonbin said with a sigh and walked away from the room.

"Umm....I should go too. Come, Ara."Sanha said and took Ara with him, who was trying to protest the idea. Now only Seo Ji and the Grand King were in the room.

"What are you hiding?"the grand king looked at Seo Ji confusedely who was looking at him with a straight face.


"What are you hiding in the story? Just tell me already the things you hide earlier."Seo Ji said coldly. The grand King immediately gulped and avoided her gaze.

"I am...n-not hiding anything."The old man's soul said nervously.

"Don't think you can fool me! I know there is something which you are hiding. Cause, how do you know when the The King and his pregnant wife arrived at the hallroom? How do you know that they weren't at the hallroom when the witch killed the ex-king and Queen? How do you know that the Prince and fiance were with the King and Queen and the four reached at the hallroom at the same time? You said you weren't there, so you didn't saw it with your own eyes. You also said that everyone presented in the hallroom were killed by the witch. That means, the ones who witnessed the scene were no more. So now tell me! How. Do. You. Know?"Seo Ji said while gritting her teeth. The grand King totally underestimate her. And now he is caught red handed.


"Just say it already. And don't you dare to lie. Your lies won't work on me."The grand King sighed and gave up.

"Ok, I give up. I can't win against you. No wonder she is so eager to meet you. You are really unique."The grand King said with a chuckle which made Seo Ji confused. But the next words came out of his mouth, left Seo Ji shook.

"The King himself told me all of these. Cause, the King, the Queen, the Prince and his fiance, their souls are also trapped here."

Hey! I am back in this story again. I hope you liked this chapter. Plz do vote. Love you....bye...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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