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I honestly don't know why but I've always had this feeling someone's watching me ever since kanae died. I didn't really think about it much until today as I was taking a stroll out side I feel eyes watching me intensely watching my every move waiting for the right time to pounce at me and kill me. I shake the thought away a continue walking.

"Huh where am I?" I ask myself aftet a while
"I don't remember anything" "the last thing I remember was that I was in front of the ubutashiki mansion" as confused as I was I kept walking but then I realize that someone or something is right behind me. I try to pull out my katana but it isn't there and I'm suddenly in a beautiful place with Sakura trees and butterflies flowers and so much more stuff.

"Why you are a beautiful little girl" someone says I get startled by the voice and look behind me its a beautiful lady with butterfly wings and antennas she is resembling a butterfly which then reminds me of kanae but I try to focus on the lady "SHES GONE!" I say "Oh no I'm right here, do you like it here" she says kindly. That's when I realize she's a demon and not just any demon an upper moon.

"If you're looking for your katana" she says "it's with me" "Just who the hell are you to do that huh!" I say "Oh my looks like I've caught a feisty one" she says "well I don't like being disrespectful so let me answer your question" she says kindly "I'm upper moon 4 kanae, it's nice to meet you" I gasp no wonder she looked so familiar she is kanae. She tosses my katana over to me and asks to fight "what would happen if I don't want to" I ask "nothing I'd let you go" she replies I agree to fight and she get up.

After fighting for about half an hour I knock her out. The place we were fighting in disappeared and we were back in the real world . I pick her up and take her back home but then the master stops me and asks who that was I set her on the floor and tell him it kanae he gasps and tells me to take her to tamayos house and not tell anyone about her I do as he says and pass out for some reason.

________________________________ Hey guys
Bye guys

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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