Chapter 3

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Hey, DJSMITH74. 😊

Chapter 3

"Let me get this straight: you ordered super delicious food in that famous restaurant and didn't tell me; you ate those yummy foods and didn't invite me; and finally, the food was so divine you didn't notice Mr. Il Volo leaving," Tyler finished with a deep frown and a glare.

"Yeah, that's about it, and stop with the 'didn't include you' thing. You made it clear last night that you have work and you didn't want to join me."

"Well, I didn't expect that you would eat there! I thought you'll wait for Mr. Il Volo and give him your folder. Now, I missed out on some great dishes," Tyler grumbled and chomped on his cheesy mac. We are having lunch in B.C.; well, Tyler is, because I'm still full from my breakfast meal.

"I shouldn't have been so distracted. All I had to do was hand him the folder and wait for his call." Last night, to prevent coming off as a creepy stalker, I decided to write a proposal where I laid down the pros and cons, emphasis on the pros of being my sperm donor. I made the font size of the pros section slightly bigger than the cons. It's important to know your priorities straight, even if I didn't do that today.

Part of the restaurant's bestseller is a decadent chocolate cake. It was very luscious, and soft, and it melts in my mouth. Anyway, who serves cake for breakfast? But I'm not mad. I can try upping my breakfast menu by adding a chocolate cake.

"What are you going to do now? It would be suspicious if you show up at the gallery considering that you took a leave, and they know that you are helping out for The Reaper's tour. They will report you to River, Arden." Tyler grabbed a bite of his croissant and moaned softly. "This is so good, Arden. Can I ask for two more?" Tyler asked cutely while I eyed the plate filled with two more fresh croissants.

"Sure. Eat your fill," I sighed in defeat and groaned softly, knowing I am way past my spending limit. Since I didn't invite him earlier, I had to make it up for him, thus, my treat.

"What's your plan?" Tyler asked after swallowing his bite of croissant. He reached for his drink and grinned wide, his expression full of delight.

"I can disguise myself and discreetly follow him."

"With a black cap, black mask, and black outfit? Your entire being is screaming stranger, danger, Arden."

I pouted and rested my chin on my folded elbows on top of the table. "I have no choice, Ty. This is for the sake of my future kid's amazing genes. If he doesn't agree to my offer, I will not give up until he sees reason."

"Reason as to why the hell would he offer his sperm? That man is averse to commitment, Arden. What makes you think that he will offer you his sperm, knowing that he will have a living flesh and blood on the face of this earth?"

"Precisely! He hates commitments and probably responsibility so after he gave me his sperm, we should forget things as if they never happened, right? This is a pretty convenient offer." I did not proceed with this plan to give up at the sight of the first hurdle. I can't see myself finding another donor or going to a sperm bank.

"Mariano Il Volo is my perfect candidate, Tyler. You need to help me." Tyler blinked, pensive, and after several seconds, he sighed.

"I fully support you in this, Arden, you know that. I even helped you stalk him," Tyler said with a small smile. "Whatever the consequences of your actions may be, you need to be responsible for them. Are we clear?"

I nodded and slid to the seat beside him and pulled him for a hug. "Thank you, Ty. Now, let's plan for the day after tomorrow.

Two days later,

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