Fools Can't Be Quiet

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“Well, I think it shouldn’t matter,” Jay interrupts. “Whoever it is,” and he tries really hard not to look at Heeseung and Sunghoon, “should try to be more quiet, that’s all I’m asking.”

“But I’m curious!” Sunoo pouts.

“It’s none of our business” Jay starts to get up, he sees Heeseung and Sunghoon share a look.

And it makes sense, he thinks, that they know about the other. A way to avoid bringing someone over the same night, they had to have talked about it at some point. Jay doesn’t know how they found out about the other, how that conversation came to be, but he knows it must have happened.

“Okay, okay, sorry, it was me,” Heeseung says, and Jay isn’t expecting the way he seems all shy about it. Not ashamed, just shy.

“Heeseung-hyung? Oh-” Sunoo starts, but an even shier and redder Sunghoon interrupts him.

“And me, I’m also at fault here,” Sunghoon says from where he’s sitting.

“The two of you?” Jake asks.

“Which one of you was yesterday, I think it was the loudest I heard all week,” Sunoo asks, at which Sunghoon manages to somehow get redder than he was. Probably out of embarrassment, he hides his face in his hands. “Sunghoon-hyung, then.”

“No, wait, more importantly, how do you get someone in and out without anyone noticing?” Jungwon asks and Jay is a bit confused as to why that’s his priority “because no one has seen anything, right? You weren’t seen?” Then it clicks in Jay’s mind, as idols, they should definitely not be seen getting someone in and out of the apartment during the middle of the night.

“Ah, what, no, no eh…” Heeseung panics, moving his hands around. Jay doesn’t understand why. Jungwon looks at Sunghoon.

“No, of course not, this… how should I say this…” Jay is starting to think the whole thing is kind of weird; their answers are odd.

“It’s fine, you don’t need to explain.” Jungwon visibly relaxes, “I just had to make sure you were being cautious and safe.”

And that makes Jay think, because if they are having sex, and they are, then they must be using condoms. He doesn’t want to think either of them would be stupid enough not to, but one can never know. And so, he has to ask.

“Speaking of,” Jay starts, “how do you guys buy condoms? Cause you are using them, right?” Heeseung and Sunghoon splutter instantaneously.

“That’s a good question, what if someone finds out and starts spreading it around?” Jungwon tenses again.

“You need to stop being so paranoid,” Sunoo comments, “it can't be good for you.”

Jay agrees with Sunoo, he know Jungwon is thinking of the group and their image, but worrying that much can’t be good. He also knows Jungwon actually trusts Heeseung and Sunghoon’s ability to use their brain and that he knows they won’t do anything too risky. So it’s not even a real concern he should be having.

Sunghoon covers his face again with his hands, and mutters: “Heeseung-hyung buys them.”

“You buy for the both of you?” Jake asks.

“Well, it does make it safer if it’s only one of us buying and not two…” Jungwon is trying, Jay can tell, to stop thinking of the worst possible scenario.

“I- I don’t- I buy them online…” Heeseung manages to say, “I promise it’s safe and eh… discreet? I asked someone were I could buy them without being noticed.”

Fools, All of Them | HEEJAKEHOONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang