My subordinates, all the Legrand military leaders, and other senior members of the state's political and social hierarchy gathered in the early morning for a meeting concerning a potential incoming threat from the Valur Empire up north. My secretary and double-duty military advisor, Nathan, which a former military officer before being discharged from service, had informed them that an unknown force was approaching the province from the north and that we should prepare for the possibility of a full-scale invasion.

The meeting was serious with heavy atmosphere, and many of the attendees were tense about the repercussions that could come with an attack on our province. Despite the daunting task at hand, the group committed to working together to defend the land they called home and protect its citizens. Obviously, I'm standing here, passively waiting for my subordinates to give their opinion on how to counter them, and I'll just give my authorization or veto. Nevertheless, I'm presently scratching my head, not because of the threat but because of my embarrassing display yesterday.

"Governor, are you okay?" One of my subordinates worriedly asked, which made the people inside the room immediately look at me. They're probably curious about what happened to me, which made Nathan stop on his track.

"I'm alright, please continue." I smiled to assure them I am alright, they immediately resumed afterwards as I internally sighed.

That's fucking childish of me, I ran away from them? for no fucking reason? I want to bang my head to the wall real bad... Why did I run away from them?

I gritted my teeth in my contemplation. Then I clicked my tongue, annoyed and irritated, wondering why I had done something like that.

Calm down myself, let's forget it. Focus on our work, think about it later.

"Okay, let's continue," Currently, Nathan is presenting the recon photos. During the night, several hundred armored soldiers are presently moving towards Renvo, the village I visited yesterday. "We're presently expecting a possible armed encounter between our forces and those Valurian expedition units if we fail to establish contact with them, but even so, we also consider the factor that they won't consider us a major faction but rather a hindrance to their expansion and will likely attack us almost immediately, aim to destroy our province."

Well, it's already expected in the handbook. If I am in their shoes, I'm going to smash anything along the way and eliminate all the hindrances to my ambition, including the initiation of mass genocide so our people could settle on their lands, devoid of other civilizations. That's currently what they're doing: killing the original settlers, who were mostly non-humans, and stealing their lands to develop as their territories.

Nonetheless, they're an inferior civilization, and one of my divisions might be enough without air cover to take down their country. They're basically a medieval country, how could they possibly defeat a 21st-century civilization? Even if I factor in their magic, there's no way they could win against me.

"We should use the intimidation factor when contacting them."

"Do you want to declare war?."

"I said, for a country that's more savage than most of the neighboring civilizations back in time, I believe it's necessary action."

"We shall establish contact peacefully through diplomatic means."

"If that's the case, then we'll escort you with the best of our units."

Huh? They switched to argument mode, and the military officers and government officials bickered about how to take initiative on the problem. They all agreed that it was a serious problem, but they couldn't agree on how to fix it. The military officers argued that it was necessary to use armed means, while the government officials argued that it was more important to use peaceful means. They both had valid points, but the military officers tended to be more aggressive. The discussion of the problem and trying to find a solution. The military officers didn't like the plan, but they knew that the government officials were the experts on this topic. They immediately reluctantly agreed to establish peaceful means but were likely going to deploy a lot of assets from the moment of first contact with the Valurians. But if they asked me, I'd likely agree with their request, but I should be impartial here because many oppositions will likely converge the moment I show favoritism to the military. Also, if I do once again what happened in the first week with my initiative to deploy a large armed force without consulting everyone here, I'll likely going to have too many oppositions that I'd like to avoid having.

Very Wrong Reincarnation: Isekai with Game Nation Where stories live. Discover now