General - Babysitting Your Kid

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Author: Rhine


They were completely clueless, to put it simply.

You had wanted a day for air – while you loved your little girl, the constant chasing and nagging and patient listening and firm lectures of trying to care for your five year old wore you thin, leaving you tired and drained after every long day.

And she was the light of your life, but even you needed some time to close your eyes; just for a few moments.

So you left them with the boys – you and Michael were having a day to yourselves, just a few hours, really – and you figured three grown men could watch after a little five year old for half a day without too much destruction.

You're not sure you believed it yourself, in all honesty.

But you told the boys the rules – for the love of god don't give the child frosting unless you want to peel her off the ceiling afterwards – and you made them recite the extensive list of emergency numbers over and over until you're certain it's embedded into their mind deeper than the lyrics of their own songs.

And you were still the worrywart mother as you left the house, kissing your little girl goodbye and telling her not to cause too much trouble for her uncles – be a good girl, okay? Mummy'll be back soon – only for Michael to rub your shoulders soothingly while he winked cheekily at the other boys.

Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.

Michael are you serious oh my god it's been years that line is practically prehistoric, seriously.

I'll never forget the good old days of the fetus band.

You mean back when you still had hair?

Your voice is wry and the boys are holding in snickers with tight lips and red cheeks and Michael's turning pink in the cheeks as he tries to hustle you out the door.

Okay we're gonna go now be good don't set anything on fire we'll be back soon bye love you.

You really aren't sure what exactly was going to happen in the few hours you were gone, but you assumed it couldn't be too bad.



She looked innocent enough.

But underneath her missing-toothed smile and bright eyes that so resembled yours, the boys learned it was Michael's mischievousness that was the clear dominant trait in your little girl.

With paint-stained fingers and coloured streaks in her hair, she ran wild through the flat; random shrieks that pierced their ear as she whirled on by, followed by a suspicious silence that had them looking over their shoulders for the familiar tiny figure.

They followed the paint handprints that were starting to accumulate around the white walls and the sides of the new furniture, the faint echo of her giggles reverberating around the hallways.

Where is this goddamned demon child –

Calum! She might hear you!

Damn right she can; don't you think satan taught his child some of his own tricks?

Michael's not satan, Cal.

Have you seen the two-hour video compilations of him bullying Luke?


...Can you link me, actually?


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