Prologue: new life same trouble

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Narrator's pov:

At cruise ship where few new people which will be new transfer students to duel Academy Island which will learn and even duel between 3 houses: the blue dorm represent obelisk which are high students with amazing grades, the Yellow dorm represent Ra are the second and the last one is the Red dorm the slifer which is...well you get the idea, in the cruise there was a boy carry his stuff which includes his duel disk and was on his phone talking to someone.

- on the phone-

????(on phone): is it okay to be in an Academy brother? You already know how to duel and even were champion.

????: yeah but i get the feeling im not done yet, i mean you already finish with ???? It was the only way to help him back home.

????(on phone): Yeah...i miss him, but i gotta be strong, and as a duelist

????: hehehe there ya go buddy

????(on phone): btw how is you know about the gift and did you like the deck i made for you?

????: oh yeah yeah though why give me black luster soldier? I mean its strong ritual monster, i mean the curse dragon and gaia the fierce knight but why even give me him?

????(on phone): well i see you practice well of those two than i did, besides it seems its connected to you. Anyways better get going she's here on my doorstep.

????: yeah, good luck little brother, also tell her that i say hi ok? Maybe you may get a shot on her - says it teasing him -

????:( on phone): - blushing - h-hey you! You always do that with i mencion her Y/n, anyways see ya-

- call ended -

Y/n's pov:

I finish the call with my brother, though our hair style is different, but anyways i see clearly my destination of the academy i be heading after pass the dueling tests as i check on my phone of the image of this academy, its an island that has a volcano area, i was interest after parted ways with my old friends and my brother, but the reason is that i heard a rumor that duel academy island holds bizar events and of course i had a headache like i felt a piece of the shadow games, so i decide to be a student to check it out for myself.

I finish the call with my brother, though our hair style is different, but anyways i see clearly my destination of the academy i be heading after pass the dueling tests as i check on my phone of the image of this academy, its an island that has a ...

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Y/n: so thats the island huh? Pretty cool and i wonder the dorms will look like? I heard there had fancy dorms and good food too, plus i heard they even have a card shop! - says it having stars in my eyes shining of excitement-

- timeskip brought by chibi Y/n riding Curse dragon in his dream while reading book-

I manage to arrive finally and to my surprise nothing much, saw some obelisk students, Ra's students and sliffer ones too, it has beach side sure but thats all i believe and i sigh.

Y/n: damn, looks normal to me, though i don't mind to learn again and duel alot and reading books somewhere nice and peaceful.

????: i thought that happens, remember try not reveal your real name of your brother, last time it happen you didn't sleep for whole 4 days- says it sitting on his shoulder-

Yu-Gi-Oh GX: the luster soldier duelist( Male reader x GX girls harem)Where stories live. Discover now