"Are you two experiencing a little amnesia?" Mom asked, "Did you hit your head on something?"

Carly gave Mom a confused look. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, what are you talking about? Wait, if we had amnesia from bumping our heads on something, then how the heck would you expect us to answer you? We wouldn't be able to remember whether we bumped our heads are not!"

"True, but don't you two remember what happened?"

Carly and I both shook our heads.

"The Dark Twister, The Dark Hurricane, Max, and Nevel Papperman sucked them out of you and into themselves when they kidnapped you, remember?" Dad reminded us.

Carly and I both turned to look at one another. I was confused by what I was hearing, and by the look on Carly's face, I could tell that she was confused as well.

"So, I don't have my powers either?" Carly asked.

"No, remember?" Nora answered.

Carly shook her head.

"No, that's not true!" I rebutted, "Max prevented that from happening from betraying Twister, Hurricane, and Nevel by disabling the machine, remember?"

"Phoebe, what are you talking about?" Billy asked, "Max was one of the ones who helped suck your and Carly's powers out of you!"

"Which caused us to punish him by confiscating all of his evil stuff, replacing it with superhero stuff, and forcing him to watch superhero training videos twenty-four/seven!" Mom added.

"What!?!? I don't remember it happening that way!"

"Yeah, I don't remember it that way either!" Carly agreed worriedly, "I remember Max betraying them too!"

"Ok, whatever is going on here, our enemies must be behind it. This isn't normal. I had a feeling that when those ghosts finally left, they weren't done with us. I had a feeling that they had a better plan in mind and decided to change gears."

"Yeah, me too."

"Do you think that Max remembers everything like the way that we do or the way that Mom, Dad, Billy, and Nora do?"

"I don't know. Let's go find out."

With that being said, Carly and I ran down the wooden set of stairs that leads down into Max's evil lair, or what used to be his evil lair- I should say. Max's lair was now completely different. The first thing that I noticed were the dozens of posters that he had of legendary superheroes on his walls. Also he had a huge, dark-blue rug that had a huge Thunder Man "T" on it. His bedspread and screen savers on his computer had the same exact logo on it. I also noticed that Dr. Colosso's cage was missing.

Max, who was laying in his bed with his phone in his hand, looked up from his glowing screen at Carly and me.

"Good morning, Phoebe!" He greeted me, "Good morning, Carly!"

"G-good morning?" Carly and I replied, not used to seeing Max this way.

"Max, where's Dr. Colosso?" I asked.

"Mother and Father moved him into their room when they confiscated all of my old evil belongings, remember?" Max answered, trying to refresh our memories, "They said that he was too much of an evil influence on me."

"How can you let them take him away like that? Aren't you going to sneak him back in here?"

Max scowled at me. "Now, why would I ever want to do something like that? That Colosso is nothing but trouble! Also, I would be disobeying Mother and Father's orders!"

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back To the PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz