Chapter 12

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Throughout the rest of the evening Jungkook kept recalling what he read a few hours ago. So far Jimin has shown the first two signs; he is feeding and his body temperature is changing. He watched as Jimin walked out of his room with a smile plastered on his lips, he also had a gym bag with him. Jungkook cocked his brow after seeing the bag then Jimin stood in front of him  "I'm gonna go to the studio, would you like to tag along?", "Sure, why not?"

After that, both males left their abode and made their way to the studio. Jimin turned on the lights as they entered the room and Kook was amazed by the beauty of the room. It had huge glass mirrors and the room itself was huge, definitely more room to play with than at home.

"Wow this place is beautiful and so shiny"  Kook said with widened eyes which made Jimin chuckle.  "This is my home away from home... This room holds a lot of memories"  he sets his bag down in a corner of the room and made his way to the center of the floor, Kook followed suit. "Every summer, every holiday from school my mother would bring me here to dance with her. She was a dance teacher and she mainly taught contemporary which is why I decided to major in that field. Watching her dance so gracefully and elegantly made me want to do it also. This used to be our favorite place, until she passed away shortly after I moved here", "I'm sorry to hear that Minnie"

"It's okay, I do miss her a lot and she was the only one who supported my dreams. She knew I wanted to be a dance instructor or a professional dancer, she believed that someday I would be well recognized for my talent, she believed that I'd be famous.... You know she had one wish", "What was it?", "She wished that one day, she could perform with me on stage in front of millions of people, she wanted a mother-son dance. She even began choosing different songs and practicing routines", "She really sounds like a loving mother. Sorry I couldn't get to meet her and tell her how wonderful her son is"

They shared eye contact with a warm smile on their lips. After hearing a little bit of Jimin's background Jungkook couldn't help but wonder why Jimin isn't in a dance group instead he is working in a café .  "You know, after seeing you dance the first night I started living with you, I always wondered why you were working at a café instead of being a part of a group"  Jimin scoffs as he starts to get a tiny bit ticked off,  "Would you believe me if I told you that apparently I'm too pretty to dance?"  Jungkook looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look and Jimin nodded his head  "That's what they said when I went to audition. They said a pretty guy like me should be on the cover of Vogue instead of wasting my time trying to be something I'm not."

Jungkook felt annoyed by this, how dare they tell his Angel that he cannot dance because he is too pretty. That's like telling the Hunchback of Notre Dame that he can't ring the bell because he can't stand straight.  "Jimin, those idiots are just jealous because they have never seen a gorgeous person dance so beautifully and some day you are going to prove to them that they made a huge mistake not accepting you and guess what...I'm gonna be with you the whole journey"  Jungkook spoke with irritation evident in his voice then his toned changed to a more calm one indicating his promise to Jimin that he intends to keep.

Jimin on the other hand felt his heart melting as Jungkook said those words. No one other than Tracy and his mother said such kind encouraging words to him, he is very grateful to have such caring people in his life. Jimin suddenly felt two muscular arms wrapped around him pulling him into a comforting hug,  "Thank you Kookie"  he says to which the younger hummed in response. They stayed like that for a while before they pulled away smiling shyly at each other.

Not long after they began stretching as Jimin wanted to learn something new today. He wanted a change of genre so he decided to go with something else. He allowed Jungkook to choose the song and they warmed up and learned the routine together. The song chosen was 'Own It' by Drake. They stopped after 2 hours to eat take out then rested for another hour so the food would digest properly. Soon they were back at it again, they practiced two more times before they decided to record it.

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