always report to mum when your struggling.

Start from the beginning

"Hey are you even legally allowed to be a officer? you look around my age." Latte asked curiously. Almond went up to her and bent down to be the same height as her.

"I'm 24, I'm allowed. How else would I have been accepted?" He replied. He flicked Lattes forehead, causing her to stand back up straight and rub her forehead.

"Ow! What did you do that for!?" Latte asked.

"Mm, nothing. Just trying to shake your brain so you can get some common sense on how im a police Officer." Almond teased.

"Hey! That's not very nice Almo-"

"Nope. Its OFFICER, Almond." He bossed.

"What!? Okay than you call me professo-" but Almond cut her off again.

"Nope. You can't boss a Officer around, becuase he's the boss of YOU." Almond jabbed his finger straight at Latte. Latte rolled her eyes and took a step back.

"Fine, OFFICER Almond." She said as she crossed her arms.

"Professor! Professor!" A little girl with white hair came running in with her arms in the air, swinging a peice of paper. She had a big grin and she pushed past Almond to hug Latte.

"Thank you, Latte! I finally understand the concept of Latte swift!" (I made that up lol)

"Oh, that's great news cream puff! Say, how about you and I talk about Latte magic in the cafeteria in lunch?" Latte suggested.

"Yeah! I'd love to! Cream puff shreiked in excitement.

"Hey, young lady. You shouldn't be using illegal magic out in the hollyberry kingdom, it's a serious offence to practice illegal magic around the royalty." Almond said.

"Hey! Go easy on her, she's only a child after all." Latte defended her dearest student.


"Espresso, do you really go to school this late?" By now my friends should be at school." Said Madeline as he walked beside espresso while holding a pile of papers.

"Madeline, I told you to call up your mum and give you a ride. You shouldn't have followed me here." Espresso said, looking down at the concrete.

"Oh, speaking of my mum, every students' parents are going to make a project for the class to look at, its due next month. Me and my mum are going to make a...." Madeline's talking was becoming muffled in espressos mind. How would he do the project if he doesn't have parents..? Espresso wasn't listening to what madeline would make with his mum. He was too focused on how he would make a project. School was a few blocks away, and espresso was fighting back tears at the fact that he didn't have any parents. He started to speed walk into school, and madeline started to follow him.

"Wait! Espresso, wait for me!" Madeline screamed, but one of his papers dropped on the ground and he bent down to pick it up. He looked back up to see that espresso was nowhere.


Espresso was still speed walking, eyes about to burst into tears. He was heading towards the boys bathroom until he bumped into Mint chocos back. The crew turned to look at him and espresso also turned his head up to see who he had bumped into. The groups eyes widened when they saw espresso. They knew he was about to leak of tears.

"Hey, espresso, what wro-" but before Herb could finish his sentence, espresso ran past them and went to the boys bathroom. Sparkling put his ear on the bathroom door, not wanting to make it seem like they followed him. Sparkling could hear faint crying, and he because curious. Sparkling reached out for the handle door, but herb stopped him.

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