Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you have everything" steve nagged at Dustin. They where leaving for California today and Steve's been on one too many trips with Dustin to know that he always forgets something important. "Yes Steve, I'm sure" Dustin insisted back to Steve. It's early, around 6 am which means a hangry Dustin and eddie which Steve wasn't looking forward to.

Steve brings all of their luggage into the trunk of his car and directs Dustin into the back of the car while in one of his rants. Eddie follows and soon enough they're on their way to pick up robin and nancy.

Once they arrive at their house Steve gets out and helps them with their bags. They pile in and Dustin is sandwiched in the middle. "Are you guys hungry" Steve directs the questions towards robin and Nancy but another voice answers instead. Dustin huffs out a sigh and responds with a growling yes. "Ok, ok fine... we can stop at a diner." Steve announces and gets two excited groans from Dustin and eddie.

When they pull up to a diner the title is so rusted they can't even figure out the name. The 5 pile in and get handed a booth. Their orders are simple, Eddie and Dustin both got waffles and bacon, robin joins with pancakes, and Steve and Nancy split an omelet with potatoes being the healthier of the group. The four order coffee and Dustin goes for a coke.

They finish eating and talking around 30 minutes to an hour later and pile back into the car. Dustin groans at the thought of being squished in the middle again. He brought some little game trinket and is distracted for a few hours while the adults talk about their hopes for living in California. "Can we have a bunch of plants in the apartment?!" Robin excitedly blurts out. Nancy shakes her head slowly and sighs in an 'we already talked about this' way. "Robin, I already told that they're cheesy." Nancy explains and robin sighs. Robin looks at her with big eyes and a pout and Nancy caves in. "Fine- but only a few" Nancy argues not being able to refuse her girlfriend.

Several hours of cringy karaoke and ideas and planning of their apartment later, Steve reaches his stoping point and eddie pulls up a map to try and find the closest motel. He spots one on the map and points earning a small crinkle noise from the map. Without words steve looks at the map and eventually they pull into a building and robin and Nancy head to get a room key. The time reads 10:30 pm and they load into the two bed hotel room they acquired. "Really Steve, why do I always have to sleep in the bathtub?" Dustin rolls his eyes in response to Steve's shrug and let's out a small huff. Eddie helps make him a bed inside of the surprisingly spacious bath tub. The adults order some wine and hit it off. A few hours later steve and eddie go into the bathroom forgetting that Dustin was homed there. Eddie pushes Steve towards the wall and it's tongue city from there. Dustin wakes up to the commotion. "Omg he shakes his head could you two be any quieter, I'm trying to sleep and you two have a bed!!" Dustin pleads for them to get out of his sleeping area. "Sorry sorry, forgot you where there" steve puts his hands up in surrender. They slowly walk out of the bathroom and less then a minute later he hears disturbing noises and folds the pillow around his ears making a shield to the noise.


"PANCAKES!!!" Dustin yells entering the small living room area in the room. Waiting for him on the table there was a plate of 3 or 4 pancakes with a small pitcher of syrup alongside it. He goes to pick up the pancakes and bring them to the small red couch with a flower pattern flowing along it. Nancy had gotten up early and ordered breakfast for everyone, being the responsible adult she is. Robin, steve, and eddie where still asleep. "Mornin" Dustin mutters and receives what he believed to be a "morning" back from Nancy. "I'll go wake up robin and u can handle ur dads over there. "Fine" Dustin answers and rolls his eyes.

"Morning beautiful" nancy sings to her partner still in bed. "I got breakfast, it's in the main room" robin makes a small sighing noise and gets out of bed stumbling along rubbing her eyes.

Dustin's attempt at waking Steve and eddie up was much harder and a lot less graceful. "Get up, now" Dustin announces as he enters their room. "Go away it's too early" he heard eddie say from the bed. Dustin flips on the light switch and hears two groans. "Nancy got breakfast so to repay her I'm getting you two up" Steve pushes himself up with his hands until he's sitting on the bed. "Oh my god Steve can you ever put a shirt on!" Dustin asserts and closed his eyes. "The hair still. isn't. doing. anything." Steve rolls his eyes. "Ask Eddie over there" Steve replies with a smirk on his face. Eddie, obviously confused and waking up to his name being called, points his eyebrows in and adjusts his eyes to the new light and wraps his arms around Steve's waist resting his head in his lap. Steve traces eddies face with his finger and Dustin, not the cheesy type flinches and walks out of the room.

"Mornin big boy" eddie addressed in a hoarse, deep, morning voice. "I guess we have to get up now" Steve replies. " hmm... well i guess so" Eddie responds. They both climb out of bed and Steve puts on a pair of gray sweatpants while Eddie puts on what used to be sweatpants, they where cut off at a little higher then the knee so they've turned into jagged shorts. They put on shirts and head out to meet with the rest of the posse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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