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“This place is a dump. Are you sure she’s here out of all god forsaken places?”The sand buffeted his flesh. The filmy, grain of the Nerub ground immersed itself upon his exposed lips.

“Not entirely.” His whimsical companion replied, taking the lead.

“Damnitt Chase! The hell did you bring me to this fucking wasteland for? On a whim? Maybe, just maybe she’d be here; waiting for what? Not for us to rescue her! Hey! Get back here! I’m not finished!” Eric fumed against the harsh wind. His zero suit protecting his delicate fleshy appendages, but left his most vital organ exposed; his head.

Chase Beu trotted in front of him, conquering the shifting ground with determination. He felt the four suns of Nerub burn his neck, but only one thought was on his mind. The wasteland continued for miles, large, sandy; the smell of death seemed to linger in the atmosphere. The harshest of the twenty planets, Nerub was not a mistress to be trifled with. She blinded her victims with translucent, shimmering sand; while the creatures who inhabitated her girth used extrasensory organs to sniff out their hapless prey while they were beaten dry by unrelenting sandstorms. Chase smiled to himself, This is exactly the type of place she’d be.

Two Days Ago. Stardate October 6th 5600 A.D.E.D.

“This... this would be devastating…. Is the intel ours?”

“Yes Sir, I confirmed it over four stations. It’s ours.”

“Bloody hell…. Get me Lucias please.”

“Right away, Sir.” The aide scurried from the large, seemingly empty chamber. Station S.T.A.R.R.E. was a ghost town. The hour bristling sharply into the early morning. Most of its crew were sleeping soundly in the housing bay; 2nd Generation E.H.C. Captain Elliot Thomas slammed his fist on a nearby computer terminal. He shook his head in disbelief; hair hapazardly falling in front of his face. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Earth had just rebuilt itself; how would they survive this?

He paced the oval space, feeling anxious. He glared at the small platform in the center of the dome structure, waiting for his guest. He heard an electronic beep three times.

“Audience requested with, I.G.D. General Lucias Juttyl. Authorization required.” M.I.L.A., the computerized software system echoed. Elliot stood in front of the retinal scanner. A bright light shone vibrantly in his eye.

“Processing… Authorization complete. Welcome Captain Thomas.” Elliot positioned himself in a salute, waiting for the overtly large image of the General to illuminate into life. It took a few seconds of vibrating light waves before Elliot met Lucias’ grey eyes.

“Dismissed. What is the meaning for this?” The General barked ominously, glaring at Elliot from fifty feet in the air.

“We seem to believe that, no, we have proof that Maadavar has declared war on Ssies.’ The General sat down, his eyes intent on Elliot. Elliot continued, ‘They have apparently killed their Vanguard defenders; even the councilmen. Maadavar has proclaimed its independence, disbanding itself from the Vanguard and its allies. Aure, Pandoria, and Fiorea have declared their neutrality to the situation. Ssies has appealed for a temporary disbandment from the Vanguard-”

“Did they disclose as to why?”

“That’s what’s so troubling. We have reason to believe that this war is over dominance of Earth. But, technically Earth is under Fiorea’s territory. Neither of the two planets have rights to Earth’s resources. All communications with Maadavar and Ssies were cut off at 6:00 I.T.E.” Elliot finished, Lucias sighed heavily. His withering face seemed to crease, creating deafening valleys along his wise face. Elliot felt his legs tense from being at attention for so long, but he bit his tongue.

“The Ssiesebled mind readers are too powerful an adversary without an Ambassador. Maadavar, is currently the main one to watch. Be vigilant in your observations of the Maada’s… They are quite stubborn.

We need a representative… Elliot, you are the best-“

“We know who the best is.” Elliot hissed.Lucias' all knowing gaze pierced through his soul. He fidgeted uncomfortably. It was a silent, awkward moment. After an excruciating minute, Lucias nodded his head.

“If you pursue her, it is out of my hands. I will not be able to help you,’ Elliot began to protest, ‘Elliot!’ The enraged General growled, startling the young captain, ‘If you decide to find her, make note that she will be an outsider, that she will be exiled, ostracized, and discriminated against. She will be an outlaw.”

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