Chapter 87

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Miles' arms were still wrapped around me when I woke up. A smile grows on my face knowing that we're so close to each other. I grab one of his wrists and gently take it off of me and kiss his cheek before leaving. I quietly step off of the bed and go to the kitchen where Adam is making coffee. His eyes widen and his jaw drops.


"SHUT UP NO I DIDNT" I say quickly covering his mouth

He licks my hand making me yank it back.

"Gross" I say wiping it on his shirt

"So nothing happened" he looks at me unconvinced

"NO" I repeat

"Your still a virgin?"


"Hm" he says "I respect your decision to wait"

"I'm not waiting until marriage. I just haven't had sex"

"Really? I would of thought that Miles would of sexually attacked you by now" he smirks


"Weird. Want coffee?"

"Yes please"

"So you think I should get another tattoo?"

"Yea. Tattoos are great"

"Ok. Miles thinks I'm going to go overboard but it's not like I'm getting my whole sleeve done"

I feel like he might


And then suddenly everyone wakes up and comes to the kitchen.

We decided that today we wouldn't go to the beach. We would just go in the pool or somewhere else.

I put my sunglasses on and take my earphones outside. I put them on as I lay on the hammock and listen to music. The weather today is amazing. Everyone else comes outside as well to enjoy the beautiful day.

Hazel joins me on the hammock and everyone kinda sits around. Miles takes a guitar that was leaning against the wall.

"You play the guitar?" Asks Louise

"Nahh I play the drums. This is Adams" he explains


He begins to strum it loudly and started to go a little overboard.

"Don't get too excited" warns Adam making sure nothing happens to his baby

"Miles you know what I just realized?!" Says Courtney

"What?" Asks Miles

"You look JUST like Elvis! You could be like his twin!"

Everyone stares at him and agrees

"Really?" He asks "I thought I was hotter"

"Elvis IS hot" says Monett

"Butt I'm hotter right?"

"Sure" she answers

Zac suddenly gets bored and belly flops into the pool

"My brother always yells cannonball before jumping in the pool. And its not a cannonball, hes just jumping in the pool while yelling cannonball for emphasis ." Hazel says suddenly

"That's nice..." Says Monett rudely

Wow she's hormonal today.

After a while hazel gets off of the hammock to go in the pool. Im never going to get off. This is the most comfortable thing ever.

Love that feller teller: A Miles teller fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now