Chapter Twenty: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

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When the dawning rays of sunlight flit across my face and awake me from my fitful slumber, the first thing I realize is that the top bunk bed is vacant.

Although we had only shared the same bedroom for one night, I knew that Cheyenne was the type to stay up late and sleep in late, which made my suspicions soar. I knew that party was a bad idea, and if anything happened to her...I would never forgive myself. She already had enough unwanted attention since the fiasco in the subway station, and I hoped her disappearance wasn't linked to the party.

I'm probably just overthinking this and being paranoid. Maybe she just really wanted some breakfast...

I grunted and rolled over on my side, groping for my phone that was lying on the bedside table. My fingers curled around the smooth surface and I blinked wearily as the home screen lit up, displaying the time with giant, looping numbers.

"Ugh, it's only 7:14," I mumbled to myself, my phone thumping against the mattress as it slipped through my fingers. I was awake now, and I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep. So I resisted the urge to stay curled up beneath the warm blankets and stare up at the ceiling, groaning as I begrudgingly peeled the blankets off. I yawned as I sat up, my scalp brushing against the rafters of the top bunk.

I rolled out of bed, rubbing at my bleary vision with a fist as I unsuccessfully tried to erase the tiredness from my eyes. I glanced at the mirror that was perched on the dresser as I staggered towards the bedroom door, dark circles bulging beneath my eyes. I didn't know if it was from lack of sleep or because I didn't take the time to wash my mascara off after the party last night.

I exhaled in exasperation and combed my fingers through my tangled hair, piling it up into a messy bun. It didn't look like the cute messy buns that had blown up the internet, and the hairstyle only made me look bald. Knowing my hair was a lost cause, I smoothed out my rumpled pajamas and unlatched the door to the bedroom, slipping out into the silent hallway.

I felt a chill creep down my spine as I slunk down the twisting hallways, haunting whispers and dark secrets radiating from the walls. This place had never felt like a home, and now I could understand why. I could almost smell the reek of deceit and hear the sweet lies that coiled around me, begging me to listen to their toxic words. Eyes were everywhere, and some of them may not be as friendly as I had previously thought.

That thought caused me to break into a rapid walk, my gaze flicking over my shoulder to make sure no one was stalking me from the shadows. I slowed to a halt as I approached the cafeteria, wishing my stomach would stop growling so I could skip breakfast since I didn't want to encounter anyone who may be lurking inside.

I was hoping it would be a quiet, uneventful day, but I had a bad feeling that Captain Zenith would assign us another mission to keep us busy, so I needed nourishment. Although I wouldn't mind staying busy so I wouldn't have to hang out in headquarters, I wasn't looking forward to fulfilling another mission from Captain Zenith, knowing what he had done.

I never should have watched those videos on that computer. I wish I could just forget it.

I sucked in a breath of air and held my chin high as I rolled my shoulders back. I summoned a shred of false boldness and marched into the cafeteria, trying to act like nothing was wrong so I didn't gain unwanted attention. My tensed shoulder muscles relaxed once I saw the occupants of the cafeteria, a smile lighting up my face.

Riptide was perched on a nearby stool, his elbows propped up on the high table as he munched on a breakfast sandwich. His gaze softened when he saw me, and he smiled genuinely and nodded in acknowledgment. Meanwhile, Moon Mist sat cross-legged against the wall farthest from the entrance, her fingers curled delicately around a teacup that she balanced on her lap.

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