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cameron hears moaning from her bedroom and and walks in and sees her boyfriend and some chick

vincent:hey baby

cameron:why vincent why

vincent: you don't put out

cameron starts crying and runs out the house

namoi: you ok

cameron:no vincent cheated on me



jey hugs cameron

jey:you can live with me until you feel comfortable to go back home

cameron:but I need to go home to cut a b-tchc

cameron tries to leave but jey holds her back

jey:no cam I'll go

jey goes to Cameron's house

vincent:what are you doing here

jey:just to get Cameron's clothes

vincent:your not going anywhere but out that door

jey:look why do you care

jey punches vincent until he goes unconscious and goes upstairs to get her clothes and leaves

jey:so cam you a place to sleep?


jey:then come on

jey and cameron leave to his his house

jey:cam I got a confession


jey:I love you

cameron kisses jey


cameron:yeah I like you too but the last time someone said that they loved me they had sex and not with me

jey:cammy I have know you for the longest time why would I do that

cameron:yeah but——

jey pulls cameron close to his body

jey:don't think baby just love

jey kisses cameron and jimmy walks in

jimmy:going back out

Jimmy walks back out and hey and cameron finish their kiss

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