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         I have been interested in the stars for years, the idea of colonizing the solar system or even the galaxy was something I couldn't imagine yet they were planning to colonize a place like mars years ago. It was just 2027 when we finally made it to Mars and that was incredible, mat pitson repeated the line that the great from Neil Armstrong "it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." And on that day people celebrated the occasion, they had only colonized the moon and had the first child was born on the moon solidifying us as an interstellar species and bringing upon the new age of mankind. But soon people were planning a trip to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn such as the one I'm trained to survive on, the difference between all of these other moons and titan is obvious for those who have done there research such as I have but if you don't titan has a atmosphere and a magnetosphere, it has even been called earths little brother. The moon also has lakes of liquid methane on the surface. The difference should be obvious by now but with all that said a mission to the moon was inevitable due to it's way of life, I've always wanted to be the first person on the moon and the first person to create some major line that encompasses the major leap for all human kind. With all that said I have done everything I can to prepare and soon after we were ready for the travel from Mars is where our story begins.

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