|2.| Quiet is Violent

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Hey guys another chapter!
I'm going to try to update my other two books, I'll try to update twice for both of them.
Video:Car radio~Twenty one pilot live
Pic: Sad Quote
Hope you enjoy this chapter
Thanks for reading!

|2.| Quiet is violent

April 6, 2010 7:00 P.M.

"Terrence?" I asked sniffling holding the phone to my ear.

"Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to talk to you..I've been really busy with soccer, my coach says some scouts are coming to check me out. He tells me I've got real talent." I heard Terrence say from the phone.

Sniffling, "I-It's ok. I'm happy that you're doing good." I walked over to my bed and sat down leaning against the wall holding a pillow to my chest.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I smiled, remembering when he would actually be here to hold me.

"Nothing." Remembering yesterday's events isn't something I'm ready for.

"C'mon I know you! I know when something's wrong..What happened?"

I bit my lip, contemplating on whether or not I should tell Terrence. I tell him everything, this isn't any different. I just don't want to worry him.

Finally I decided I should tell him, he's been waiting all this time, probably knowing that I was thinking. He's my best friend...

He'll always be here for me.

"Something did happen today.." I muttered playing with my toes.

"Tell me."

"It's Andr-"

"What mom?" Terrence cut me off yelling to his mother.

"Hey listen, I gotta go I'm sorry baby girl but I gotta go to soccer practice now. Bye, love you!"

"Love you to..." I whispered ending the call, letting my the phone drop onto my bed.

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I thought about Terrence's words from the day he moved. Repeating them over and over.

This isn't the end..

August 28, 2015 (Present day)

I pulled up my hood walking into every teenagers definition of Hell. First day of senior year, Yippie.

I had always thought Terrence would be here with me on this day.

He's been gone almost 5 years, and he eventually became to busy to keep speaking to his loner of a best friend. The day after Andrews gang ruffed me up was the last day I spoke to Terrence.

Bruce had been caught with weed junior year, I think he's in juvie or some mental facility because he was also doing drugs.

Henry transferred schools about two months after the day he had dislocated my left arm and broken two ribs. He wanted to go to a school with a better track team. No wonder that bastard was so quick to catch me.

Andrew... Well Andrew's here, he's somehow the schools 'It' boy. He's not attractive, everyone knows this. He doesn't play sports, he's tried and he sucks. He's just a slimy little slug that found his way to the top.

Stuffing my Skateboard and backpack into my locker, I shut it and walked to my first period. Who doesn't love having Math first period?

Andrew doesn't bother me much, the whole year of eighth grade he and his friends would beat me up though. No more branding or burning of holes into my body, thank God.

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