Chapter 7: 'Have fun with you and your lonely ass'

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Wow, that was mean, Nick thought to herself. But then she realised how much she was looking forward to having their big shared bedroom all to herself for the whole weekend, with Molly's parents doting on her. That was the best part - it was as if she was stealing Molly's privileged and perfect life, bit by bit.

"But Becky," Nick asked as they reached the Thompson house, "I'd appreciate it if you will back up that story for me because otherwise I'll get it in the neck from Liz and Ed, you know? If they think their precious daughter is missing."

Becky: "Oh yeah - do you want me to go in with you and tell them she's staying with me?"

Nick: "Yesss that would be so great!"

Becky: "No problem let's do it".

As Xuan and Tamika waited outside the Thompson house for Becky to re-emerge, Xuan reflected that Molly was their new 'victim-friend'. Tamika grinned but pointed out: "It's unlikely she will see us as friends if she doesn't get out of school till Monday!".

Xuan: "Oh yeah, true. Well, she's still our victim anyway haha".

Tamika: "For sure! I've still got her shoe in my bag!"

Xuan: "Yeah, it's exciting, isn't it??"

Tamika: "Yes it is. I don't want to give it back."

Xuan: "Well just hold on to it for now. And make sure your parents don't see it."

Tamika: "Don't worry I'll be careful. Do you have the other one?"

Xuan: "No, Nick took it. She's keeping it as well I think. She might have chucked it on the way home though, I don't know."

Tamika: "Ohhh. Well I'll keep this one in case. Are we going to give them back?"

Xuan: "Not sure. Have to see what Becky says. I reckon we'll give them back to her eventually. Maybe leave it a week and then give them back one by one, on different days. If she deserves it."

Tamika: "Oh lord. This bullying thing is dark, isn't it?"

Xuan: "Well, look at her house. She's rich. She's got other shoes - or her daddy will get her nice new ones."

Tamika: "For sure."

Really, little Tamika was just grateful that, in view of how small she was herself, no one had ever turned on her in school

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Really, little Tamika was just grateful that, in view of how small she was herself, no one had ever turned on her in school. She definitely felt much safer being on the 'bully' side of things, although none of the girls felt what they were doing made them actual bullies: they wouldn't do this to anyone else except Molly, would they? And there was no doubt that Molly had done quite a lot to annoy them. That girl even managed to annoy the teachers!

Up in Molly's bedroom that Nick now had to herself all weekend, Nick was relaxing on Molly's bed watching cute youtube videos and looking forward to her weekend. All the while she knew it was only a matter of time before Molly started texting her again and that she'd probably be all annoyed.

Molly's school miseryWhere stories live. Discover now