Lynelle listened intently, taking note of their questionable beliefs and ideals from how Sonia describes them. One thing she notes from the information is that both men are what one could call “Monarchian Supremacists”.

“I see… I did feel that sort of “snotty, prideful feeling in both of them. They also claimed to be Royals. Is it true?”

“That I don’t know. They seem to cling on to that claim.”

Lynelle sighed. ‘Seems this is the only information I’ll get for now, those two really scream trouble’ She thought. She then decided that it was best to never cross paths with them, for their own safety.

“Hmm… Oh right!” Lynelle kneeled down and rummaged through her luggage and pulled out a medium-sized giftbag and hands it to Sonia with a smile.

“Oh? What’s this, Lyn’?”

“Open it, you’ll see.”

Confused, Sonia openes the giftbag and went wide eyed, shock and excitement were present in her eyes. “These are… some History books that I haven’t read yet… from other regions!” Lynelle could see her peachette friend visibly shaking in excitement. Lynelle was glad and relieved that her gift made her friend happy. “Yep! History books from other regions. Some are even recommendations from the professors themselves.” Lynelle giggled jus from seeing her peachette friend be visibly happy with her gift.

“Lyn’! thank you so much!” Sonia hugged her tight. Lynelle was shocked at first but she returned the hug. “Haha, alright. I’m glad you liked my gift.” Lynelle hugged her tight.

“I love it! Now let’s hurry at my place! I wanna read these now!”


Both women made it to Sonia’s house and rested for a while. They talked about what happened during the past few days, Sonia skimmed through some of the history books that Lynelle gifted while the ravenette set her luggage in Sonia’s guestroom.

“Thanks for letting me stay for the night.” Sonia looked up from the book to see her ravenette friend and her Lucario. “Hehe, no problem.” The peachette smiled. Yamper jumped off from his trainer’s bed and jumps onto Lucario’s arms, to which the fighting-steel type manage to catch in time. Lynelle giggled and let the two pokemon play while she went to sit next to Sonia.

“I’m curious, is there a reason why Yamper hasn’t evolved yet? I learned that his and Pachi’s species’ has a final evolution which is called a “Boltund”?” Lynelle voices out, to which Sonia laughed in response.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but Yamper LOVES getting attention. My guess is that he didn’t want to give away his cuteness.” She laughs and Lynelle laughs along. “I guess it’s the same for Pachi since he has never evolved as well.” Lynelle giggled.

Yamper jumped onto Lynelle’s lap and then nuzzled against her face, wagging his tail and eyes all star-shaped from excitement and was clearly asking for pets. Lynelle giggled and gave the little electric type what he wanted, a few rubs and pets softly and gently that he was leaning onto her touch. “Heh, see what I mean?” Sonia smugly says while Lynelle laughs. Sonia took a deep breath in… and then choked on the air when she saw how much time has passed.

*Gasps!* Lyn’! the Exhibition match is going to start soon, you have to go now!” Sonia puts aside her Yamper and pulled her now-panicking friend up. “Ahh! Uhmm-I’ll be off now! Lu, let’s go!” Lynelle immediately called for a flying taxi while running downstairs and reached outside. Lucario carefully but quickly closed the door on the way out.

“Enjoy yourselves!” Sonia sheepishly says, feeling slightly guilty that she ended up forgetting that the Exhibition Match was tonight. Assuming that the ravenette was on her way to the stadium, Sonia dialed Raihan’s number.

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