My Tearsoaked Heart *{26}*

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                             ~~ Chapter 26 ~~

It’s been three or so weeks since my first session of therapy. I was embarrassed to go to the next appointment though she was understanding and comforted me as if she was one of my close friends. She had given me a black diary that she told me to write in whenever I wanted to though most importantly when I was an emotional wreck or if it had anything to do with my family. It still remains empty since I haven’t had anything to write that I thought was worth writing.

Thanksgiving went by quietly. We didn’t do anything. The day before I went to celebrate it with Lisa, and Matthew went to spend the day at Ace’s. Jennifer and Nick called every few days, asking if everything was okay and how I was. They were really like my second parents. They said they couldn’t make it for thanksgiving since it was either miss out on thanksgiving or Christmas so they said they would be back a few days before.

I didn’t really mind really. I had cooked a typical thanksgiving meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and sweet potatoes. The whole lot.

It was nice spending it with Matthew. He was a good friend and it’s hard to find people that you can trust.

School went by fast too. The music performance with Ashton went well. We received an A minus so that was pretty good. Daisy kept doing things that really ticked me off like making sexual comments or throwing my things to the floor. I realised if I didn’t show any reaction she would leave sooner so I just watched her terrorise me until she got the gist that I wasn’t going to do anything to stop her.

Lisa, Vi, Lauren and I have been getting close and I can say that we are now as tight as the fantastic four, minus the cool super powers.

Ashton came to sit with us from time to time, swapping from his group of friends and us. I was always curious why he would even hang out with a group of girls.

I groaned along with the rest of the class as Mr Dawson handed out yet another notification on an upcoming test as we exited the class of the wonderful world of maths!

I slipped it into my maths book and made my way towards my locker alongside with Lisa, listening to her constant babble on the winter dance. It was quite nerving to keep hearing squeals and excited talk about it. It was just a dance, you could do that at home. As for me, I wasn’t attending. I simply detested loud music and also I didn’t want to go with any guy.

“I’m hoping Ace will ask me,” Lisa told me in a dreamy voice and I rolled my eyes. Ace wasn’t into her, that I could tell even with my lack of romantic relationships. I just hoped that when she figured that out she won’t be too upset.

“How about you Rose? Who do you want to go with?” she asked, pulling her perfect dirty blonde hair from her face as she turned to give me a side glance.

I sent her a face. “I’m not going,” I told her simply, now reaching my locker and turning the knob precisely, not wanting to make a mistake.

She leaned against the locker next to mine and gave me ‘that’ look. That look meant that no matter what I said she would get her way, no matter what it took.

“You are DEFINITELY going. You’ll probably go anyways since Matthew will be asking you,” she sang and I fished out my history book, stopping mid air from her words.

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