OMG~On Mars.... Gosh!

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She stared at me, and 2 seconds later looked away. 

"Damn. She is still mad at you. You gotta do something." I spoke to myself.

Anyways, I then heard footsteps. Of probably brown leather shoes, topped up with a manly heel. Or atleast that's what I call it. At first it was only 1 pair, but now I heard 10 feet, tapping on the carpet floor. I shifted myself towards her, and she went farther away. This happened untill she got so annoyed she threw her scarf at me. And that, was when I thought I saw Zayn walk past the heavy grey metal door, guarded by this big bodyguard. I gulped. Oh My Gosh. Was that-? 

The man interrupted me. "Yes, my lady. You spotted it right! That was... I was literally holding my breath so hard I was floating. That was.... Romeo! The first member of 50 Seconds to Mars! Damn! I yelled inside my head, listening to the echo bounce on my brain wall. Ugh.

And then for the next 45 minutes, I was sitting like a dead zombie, my hands all over my face, and a bored and dull face. You know why? They were giving speeches on how to urn into a seconder as in their fan. And since they were not the texting type, no one was allowed to say OMG, LOL OR IKR or any as such word.

And then I saw Zayn again. But this time, he was wearing a pink hat, with a purple ribbon around it, and trust me, I don't know if I was dreaming or not, and so I pinched myself *OUCH* I htought I saw Zayn lip saying "Ow!" and doing the super famous Michael Jackson step.

"OMG!" I yelled out so loud, a glass fell. And that was the biggest mistake of my life. I was so scared I couldn't even tremble. 

The super huge black suited bodyguards walked up to me, following them the 5 band members. At once, they all said, "What did you just say!?" I got so scared, but then I said something so stupid, I felt like crying. "You guys do realise you can jinx each other right? I mean you guys said the same thing at the same time..." I babbled. 

"Oh right!" said Smarty, the 2nd member of the group who was the most kiddish and playful one over there. "JINX!" and everyone kept quiet. "No one say their names!" I said, still not realising what I did. 

As I looked up to the bodyguard, his blue eyes caught my brown ones. I could see a bull, fighting a human over the red cloth. "Burrr" I said, coming out of my little dream. 

And after a few signals, Smarty got back to the serious mode. 

"What did you just say?" he asked. Or actually yelled.

It was.... it is... umm.... it is....

*PING* a light bulb lit up in front of my eye.

It was another way of saying On Mars... Gosh!

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