W-wait we can talk about this

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Hello this is a smutshot I believe this is a Dreamnotfound smut so its Dream and George

Top: George
Bottom: Dream
Summary: Dream wanted to go to a party with Sapnap , Karl and others but George said no they argued for a while then at night Dream snuck out when George went out for Groceries

Dream's Pov

"But George I want to go!" I shouted "Dream no your not going to that party" the Brunette said calmly but firm "BUT THAT'S NOT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE!?"
I yelled "CLAY NO MEANS NO DAMNIT" George yelled back. George walked into our shared room and slammed the door. "Ugh!" I groaned "I'm going to that party weather he likes it or not" I thought.

George's Pov

Does he not understand what no means? He better not go to that fucking party I know that but anyway I need to get Groceries later but for now I need to take care of Dream first

Dream's Pov

"DREAM!" I heard George yell from the room we share I didn't answer I just sat on the sofa watching Netflix "DREAM!" George yells again but there's more angry in his voice this time I decide get up and see what he wants "What George I'm cooking" I lied "Come here" he said motioning me over I hesitated but I then walked over to him once I got to him he pulled me into his lap I blushed redder then a rose.

George's Pov

"DREAM!" I yelled but I received no response "DREAM!" I yell once more angry this time I heard a creak in the floorboards which meant Dream was at the door "Come here" I said motioning him over I can see he's hesitant but he still obeys the order I gave him once he was in front of me I pull him on my lap his face was adorable his tanned skin turned red. "Dream I'm sorry I yelled at you I just want you to be safe..."

Dream's Pov

"Dream I'm sorry I yelled at you I just want you to be safe..." He said George was rubbing my back like I was a baby well I am HIS baby but... He never actually did this before sure we cuddle and shower together but not this I kinda felt bad that I plan on going to the party but I already told them I was going. "I-its ok..." I curse myself mentally for studdering. Anyway that wasn't the point the point was I knew for a FACT that I was gonna die later so I did what any other person would have done I cuddled him. Yes. You heard that right I cuddled him knowing I wouldn't be able to walk for 2 weeks.


At 2:00 in the morning

Dream's Pov

George went out for groceries I knew for a fact that he take forever getting them because last time her took 2 whole damn hours so I had time to burn I had a plan George should get back in 2 hours I'll be home at around 3:30 he won't know I'm gone he just left 4 minutes ago. I changed into a lime green crop top and put fishnets on under my chop top and black shorts I then put on black boots I and leave to the party.

Sapnap's Pov

I see Dream walk in "Finally" I think to myself. "Hey! Dream!" I call to him he comes over to me and we chat for a bit and get drinks. We decided to bring drinks for Karl, Quackity and Wilbur.

Dream's Pov

After we all drink a bit we then start dancing on the floor with some other people and friends "Best choice of my life" I think to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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