Chapter 14: Damned in Amsterdam

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I'm screwed.

Literally screwed.

I silently cursed myself and the stupid plan Colton and I talked over the phone as I stopped myself from breaking Katarina's neck and probably pitch in mine as well while I would ask for Gustav to roast Colton for this.


Katarina was a past lover. I admit, fùcking her was nice behind her sister's back centuries ago but now? No way. Before exiting the house and tying her up to keep her away from this, I called the mother fùcking vampire ambassador and asked about Katarinas around the area. I know there was a certain Katarina I'm acquainted to centuries ago but it is impossible that it will be her. After all, the Katarina I know is a shy vampire who believes in romance and forbidden love.

"You douche!" Colton said through the other line as he chuckled while I snarled at him. "Katarina of Madrid! Tamara's sister you fùcking ásshole! You fùcked her, remember?"

"I don't actually fùck and keep, Colton," I said rolling my eyes at him as I hailed a cab who ignored me. The shy girl emerged from the depths of my mind and I found it hard to believe. "Why would Tamara's sister be here?! Tamara's from America, for fùcks sake!"

He sighed from the other line. "You really don't remember her, do you?"

"Of course I don't you fùcking àsswipe! That's why I'm asking you! I know a Katarina who keeps to herself but a wolfsbane dealer? No!"

"People change, Calvin. Sometimes, not for the better."

That stopped me as I stepped into the cab who actually halted. "So...she's really the Katarina we both know?"

"Of course, she's the only Katarina who's in Madrid. Remember Tamara saying something like she had a step sister who is in Madrid? Jesus, Calvin, you really don't listen do you?"

"Shut up, Colton, or I'm hanging up."

"Bitch," Colton muttered as I heard shuffling from the other side of the line. "Listen, the girl must still have the hots for you, let's hope. I remember her almost committing suicide when you left. Just seduce her, say you love her and all that. She'd be eating at the Palm of your hand and you will find where Aldrich is or the next move of the rebellion. It's the perfect strategy, Calvin."

"I just hope it doesn't back fire," I replied, remembering the scene back in California. What else do I have to worry about? Holly's tied back in home, sleeping peacefully and with a silver band on her so she doesn't go ape shít on the furniture. I smiled as I remembered the night we shared together and couldn't help but feel...okay after having that gentle sex.

"I do hope you kept your wife busy? If she's followed you, it will be a huge problem."

"Oh don't worry, she's busy," I said confidently as Colton sighed. "One can never be too sure," he said before hanging up. I continued on the Las Ventas and searched for the black haired vampire. Later, I saw her walking from the Royal box holding s black parasol. It was then that I realized she really did change; her curly black hair centuries ago is now straight and pulled in a pony tail and her body once covered with baby fat now held more muscles and shed all the fat. Her almond eyes were calculating, not the usual ones filled with dreams and romance. Her breasts grew bigger and are straining against her red dress. She's hot, I admit.

But not as hot as the woman tied in my bed.

Now, I wouldn't drag the story longer because I know it isn't too eventful. We met, had a little talk about me looking for her, she pointing a gun at me and leading me to the Royal box, me confessing my undying love for her and the whole shít.

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