Meet the family

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(Y/N can speak Japanese thanks to his mum. so when he's in a Japan he'll speak Japanese[non italics] , I will type normally however, if he speaks English when in Japan, I will put it in italics and visa versa)

As the plane lands and you collect your stuff, you see a man in a suit with your last name. As you get into the car with him and make small talk, he informs you that your aunt is out on hero work, so one of her assistants will take you to your room and gives you a tour.

Once you arrive you see a young blond girl at the desk after proving who you were, she took you around the facility showing the main room as well as to different gyms and multiple floors for sparing as well as a small canteen after that she took you to the basement floor and handed you a key card that only you and aunt could access you thanked her and un packed some things before making your way to one of the gyms where you did an in-depth workout.

As you're doing a run on the treadmill, you hear the door open and you look across to see a girl with blue hair staring at you. you continue to jog as you turn your head forward

???"what are you doing here?"

Y/N "working out."

???"you have broken into a hero base just to work out."

Y/N "ha, funny I haven't broken in anywhere."

??? "I'm not willing to take that risk."

she starts charging her quirk

Y/N"what do you mean by that?"

As you turn, you see a yellow spark of electricity fly towards you. Luckily you had your visor in absolute zero and processed the attack and ducked out the way quickly but forgot you were on a treadmill and fell off the edge. As you start getting up, you see another wave blast towards you and you dodge left and breath out a sigh of relief

Y/N "are you sure you want to do this?"

???" hey you're the one dodging don't underestimate me"

Y/N "always the cute ones that are crazy."

however this doesn't throw her off and she sends another charge towards you, You crouch low and put your hands in the position to start making a Hadoken and as the wave comes towards you move the red hadoken-like object towards it and start to absorb its power

Y/N "niiighh god dam that's a power full *the lighting seems to spark out of the orb, and you become covered in electricity flashing red and yellow* here catch" *you throw the orb at her with force, and she can't quite dodge quick enough and takes a heavy hit to the leg

Y/N *barley standing and still sparking* "Are we done here?"

??? "if your aunt judges she's seen enough."

Y/N "y'know normal a welcome part has cake...and alcohol...and a lot less attacking."

???"ha maybe not the alcohol but I'm sure we can sort the cake out"

Y/N "why thank you miss?"

???" Hado, Nejire Hado"

Y/N"well thank you Nejire and sure your aware I'm Y/N L/N

Nejire " Nejire? were not that close yet L/N"

Y/N "shit of course sorry Hado in England we use 1st names. And it may be odd for me for you to call me by my last name so please use my 1st name...calling me my last name makes me sound like my dad *shudders slightly*

Nejire" Sure Y/N also you're still sparking are you okay?"

Y/N "not really I feel like my body is paralysed."

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