34. Knowing Derek

Start from the beginning

A letter with a seal of the same motif that was branded on my chest. Closing my eyes and gritting my teeth, I hurried back inside and quickly dried myself off.

Exhaling and gripping the letter so hard that it almost crumpled in my grasp, I found myself locking my room and sitting down on the bed.

Already feeling raw from the nightmare, I tore open the letter and gulped down my hatred to read what new threat or reminder Roy must have sent.



I went over the letter.




But the words wouldn't change and neither would the meaning.

Not many had the ability to render me speechless.

But apparently, Tatiana Gambino did.

Stay away from my boyfriend, bitch. 

Or I promise you'll regret it big time. 

Derek Greyson has always been mine and that's not going to change. 

He's mine so keep your filthy paws off of him.


Derek's Ana.

Or for you, Tatiana Gambino—your next worst nightmare because my brother called dibs on you first.

Mwah </3

For full five minutes, I sat and read it over. Again and Again, like an obsessed maniac until I felt the anger seep in. Until my heart felt like it was crushed.

I took in a deep breaths and things started making sense. The wheels in my head turned and I ground my teeth so hard, my jaw ached.

How Derek knew how to fight.

His secrets.

His apparent ex that he cherished so much.

His skills and comfort in being around violence.

And how Diego...

It didn't take me more than a minute to dial his number in the middle of night at 3 AM.

"Hello? Lila? Why are you calling me so late?" His groggy sleep-riddled voice made the fresh wounds cut deeper. 

I was angry, I won't accept that I'm hurt.

That this small part of me feels so so so betrayed and guilty.

When I didn't respond, he spoke up again but this time seriously. "Lila? Did something happen?"

I felt my chest rise and fall, the world outside faced thunder and lightning as if reflecting my very own heart. I was again at a loss for words.

What would I ask Diego?

I needed confirmation.


"Did you.......no, Derek..." I clenched my jaw, my words failing me. "Did you know Derek was....i-involved with....them?" The stutter betrayed my innermost feelings and I crumpled the letter in my hands tightly, wishing I could tear it and burn it to ashes.

Diego's words were somber. "Yes."

Just one word but it was like spraying salt on my reopened wounds from the nightmare.

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