Chap. 1

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 TUESDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1978 


I always believed in karma. It was my number one factor. So, when my brother went missing, abducted by The Grabber, I vowed to avenge him. I vowed to avenge his survival/death. Me and Vance were close, real close. He was my brother, my ride or die, my best friend, my protector, my everything. 

Now he's gone, and everything's turned to shit. I only have my best friend, Finney, and I get beat up everyday. I'm not used to such life, a life Vance isn't involved in. I just want my brother back, and I am going to get him back. Dead or alive. 

I've been researching the case for the eight months he's been missing. There's a board in my room filled with clues and suspects. It expands everyday, and sometimes I even get Finney to help me with it. Or, used to.

I knew I wanted to avenge my brother's death..

but I didn't think I'd go that far...



I usually hate weekends. There's nothing to do since Vance went missing, except hangout with Finney. Most of the time Finney was busy, and I obviously didn't have any other friends. So, I usually just hangout on Saturdays alone. 

That's when I noticed Robin Arellano walking by. Me and Robin know each other, he's the third person in the me-and-Finney-trio. "Hey y/n!" he smiled, walking towards me. "Hey Robin!" I smiled, shaking his hand. 

"So, do you still want to screw our best friend?" he asked, obviously teasing me. Of course he was. Honestly, I deserve it. I told Robin Arellano I was in love with Finney, and now he won't shut up about it. Lesson learned, never tell Robin anything personal. 

"Shut up" I replied teasingly, shoving him. He smirked and laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Jeez, why don't you go screw your girlfriend?" I asked, knowing damn well about his girlfriend. "She's in Idaho for a week! If I could, mark my words y/n, Carly would be on my bed moaning and groaning" he said, and I rolled my eyes. 

Robin has zero filter. Like, at all. So, when he started dating Carly, I was in utter shock. Mostly because they're exact opposites. Carly is all nice, motherly, and really sweet. I knew her, she took care of anybody and everybody, would never hurt a fly even if it tried to kill her. 

Everybody loved Carly, but people took advantage of her. Well, not anymore. Nobody dared to mess with Carly Rogers, because if you messed with Carly you messed with Robin, and you did not want to mess with Robin. 

"God, cause I'm sure she'd love that." you replied, sarcastically. Robin groaned and said "Great, now I miss her again, thanks y/n." "She's coming back in three days!" you laughed, and he rolled his eyes "too long, that's like you being away from Finn!" 

"Well, what are you doing?" I asked him, and he shrugged. "Getting candy!" he said, smiling. "Why?" you asked, staring. It was 9 o' clock in the morning! "Cause, I like candy, and Carly likes candy, it's how I cope" he said, walking closer to the candy shop. 

I followed him along, deciding I didn't have anything better to do than spend quality time with Robin Arellano. Even if it meant listening to him whine and drone on about his girlfriend. "What candy are you getting?" you asked him, and he smirked. 

"She likes those hershey chocolates things. Oh, especially the kisses. She asks me if I want a kiss, then gives them to me. Not fun" he said, laughing. I started laughing as well, secretly praising her. Anyone who can trick Robin Arellano is a greek god in my eyes. 

He bought the chocolates, and I had to keep on scolding him about it. He said he was going to save her some, but he bought five bags and was almost done with his second. "Okay, that's it, actually leave some" I said, snatching the three bags away from him. 

"You're annoying" he said, playfully shoving me. I smirked as we were walking back. The candy shop was by no means close to the Arellano residence, so we better start walking. We were walking at a bit of a slow speed, abnormal for me. 

Usually I walk fast, ever since my brother was abducted walking home from school. I have believed that maybe he walked just a bit faster, The Grabber wouldn't have gotten him. This had me in a spiral of thoughts, and the overthinking drove me crazy. 

Once Robin snapped me out of my trance, we noticed a black van parked in front of us. A man stumbled, around the middle aged. He tipped his hat to us, and we both walked over. "Hello?" we asked, as the man looked at us. 

"Could you youngsters help me unload stuff from my van?" he asked, grabbing boxes. Me and Robin just shrugged, and said "Sure" 

As we both walked to the other end of the car, the man grabbed Robin. I screamed, and he latched his hand onto my wrist. Then, Robin started kicking and screaming, attempting to get away. I tried helping, but the attacker threw me to the ground. 

He shoved onto Robin, holding him by the throat, in a painful choke hold. I winced, my wrist hurt really badly from where he grabbed me. That's when I looked in the car and noticed the black balloons. 

Robin was almost crying now, as the man splashed some type of liquid down his throat, causing him to pass out and or lose consciousness. I screamed again, and the man threw Robin in his car. This was The Grabber. The man who abducted my brother. And he was going to pay. 

"Run now, and don't tell anyone what you saw" he said, and I shook my head no. I started screaming "POLICE! POLICE!" at the top of my lungs. He groaned, and I noticed who he was. 

He realized I knew, and he threw me in the trunk too, but not before putting the same dreaded liquid down my throat...

I had my chance to get away 

And just like Vance, I didn't take it..

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