Meng Lao's face became more serious the more he listened. In fact, he said that he wanted to take an examination for teaching, but he never thought she would be able to answer it. He just wanted to use these questions to observe her behavior, but he didn't expect the little girl to give it to her. A surprise.

When she finished speaking, the joy in her eyes could no longer be hidden, and she glanced at her admiringly, but because of her personality, she still said awkwardly: "I didn't expect you to be a little girl. Yes, these words are still a bit interesting, have you been to school?"

"Yes, you are a junior at Provincial University." Lu Jin nodded and replied.

"Hey, you're studying at Provincial University? Then why have I never met you? Which major are you? Isn't it from our economics department?" Meng Lao asked in surprise, seeing how eloquently she was talking just now , It seems that he has a lot of research on the economic situation, and he thought he was a student of their department! But he basically knew all the students in their department, but he had never seen her in class.

"Department of Mechanical Engineering." Lu Jin was talking about an unrelated department.

"Why did you study the Department of Mechanical Engineering?" Meng Lao immediately said dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you a waste? You are so sensitive to economics, you should study economics and then contribute to the motherland."

"You old man There is no way to speak, and all majors are the same, and they can contribute to the country." Teacher Shi was afraid that she would be embarrassed, so she glared at him and said.

Lu Jin smiled. To be honest, she chose her major at random, and it had nothing to do with her current or previous work. She chose this one later because mechanical engineering would have great development in the next few decades. , The second

is because she has never been in contact with this, so she is quite curious. She learns this entirely with the idea of ​​​​cultivating hobbies.

"I think you might as well change your major to study economics with me!" Meng Lao said with difficulty, he really couldn't bear to see such a good seedling wasting her talent.

"But I'm almost graduating, and it's too late to transfer." She said with a shrug.

It was only then that he remembered that she had just said that she was in her third year, and she closed her mouth in a sullen mood. Usually, the change of major will be done in the second semester of college. She is in her third year, so it must be too late. Even if he went to the school leader to intercede, it probably wouldn't work.

It's hard to see a good seedling who is proud of himself, but he can't accept it as his student, which really makes him more and more bored!

"Thank you for your kindness. What do you think about the house?" Lu Jin asked when he finally passed this part.

"Oh, the house, I'm renting..." Meng Lao just wanted to speak, but suddenly stopped, as if remembering something, rolled his eyes, and said, "I want to rent my house, I have one last condition, After graduation, you have to come over to my graduate school."

Lu Jin: ...

She went to university to get a degree, and she never thought about graduate school. In her last life, she studied for six years from master to doctor , I really have no interest in another three years.

"I still can't, I think finishing university is enough." She declined politely.

"Then don't even think about renting my house." Old Meng tried to threaten her with this.

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