"I know! I heard he slept with his student!" The blonde girl, jaime said.

"Nah! I heard he's sleeping with one of the teachers. She has some shit over his head, and she's forcing him to sleep with her." The black haired boy responded.

Jaime laughed, "As if! I heard he's in love with one of his students. And I don't blame the student if they are in love with him. He's pretty fucking sexy!"

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, I had to agree with her. He is sexy. And yeah.. I could say I'm in love with him. I mean we've been together for about 6 months, which seems a lot longer than that! I feel like I've known him my entire life. But, people shouldn't be spreading rumors about the poor man. He's very young for a teacher. But he's everyone's favorite because he's so laid back.

Before I know it, the bell rings and I head to my last class for good. English. I walk to class and sit by Jenn & Jace like I have all year. I nod at Cody. How we've managed to be innocent and behave around each other, has me baffled. There's not a moment that I don't wanna run up and hug him, or kiss him when I see him. But for the next 55 minutes, I'm his student. It's illegal. Even if I'm a legal adult, it's still illegal. We're not gonna come out about us until after graduation. Then we can say we just started seeing each other. That way, we "waited" until no one would be suspicious of anything. It's not our fault, we're attracted to each other. You can't help who you fall for. And I am so glad I fell in love with him.

{Cody's POV}

I stood up in front of the room, smiling proudly at all of them. It was English 12, so only seniors were in here. I looked around the room at all the excited faces that filled my room. This class was my favorite, and no not just because the girl of my dreams is in this class. But because no one ever complained when I assigned work. They took the work and they did it and turned it in when it was due, or sometimes even earlier than it was due. This class was fantastic. I was a lucky guy to be able to teach these kids. Every kid in this class deserved an A. Wish I could say that about all my other classes, but hey, what can I do? I'm gonna miss these kids, but I'm gonna be so proud to watch every student walk across that stage next Sunday and know that I taught them well.

"well Seniors..." I finally spoke up, and everyone looked up at me.

"i cannot believe it's the day all of you leave this school for good. How does it feel?" I look around and get a bunch of responses from everyone saying "great!", "good!" or "Awesome!". I smile, and my eyes land on the beautiful girl in the row next to the windows, smiling. I smile at her.

"I can honestly say, you are the best group of kids, I've ever worked with. And I started out as a substitute. You guys worked hard, and I'm proud of each and every one of you. So for the hour, we're gonna go around the class and I want you to tell us what college you're going to, What you plan on majoring in, and what you want to be when you graduate college. Amber, will you start us off?"

She nods happily, and starts telling everyone. 30 minutes later, we get down to Jace.

 Jace smiles and stands up, "well, I'm going to be attending N.Y.U in the fall. I'll be majoring in Criminal Justice. And when I graduate college, I want to work for the FBI."

I nodded, and smiles. "Very good, Jace! Good luck!" I look at Jennifer and she smiles as Jace squeezes her shoulder gently. I was happy for them.

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