Chapter 19 || Continued fun and serious words.

Start from the beginning

Paul, even slightly surprising himself, landed perfectly on top of Richard. Legs either side. Butt perfectly placed against Richards crotch. The face Richard made showed to Paul he had shocked Richard, but also just turned him on more. Shooting a short smirk at Richard, Paul began his own teasing assault. However, Richard wasn't as patient as Paul had been. Wriggling more and making more groaning protests at the slow pace. Paul persisted though knowing if it went slower, it would be a better experience for both. Richard knew that to, but it didn't stop him from being slightly impatient. Like Richard had done, Paul worked his way down his body. Kissing, lick, sucking. He even started leaving small nips of his teeth every now and then. He'd done it once by accident but Richard had let out a more pleading moan, so he did it on purpose to test how Richard felt and the noise fell from Richard again, so Paul figured that said the taller man liked it. He eventually made it to Richards boxers also pulling them down and stroking the other mans dick. If Paul had more hair, Richard would be grabbing it. Richard wasn't sure if Paul was just good at this, or if it was the fact that Richard cared so much for Paul that it made it better, but it was good.

Paul lifted his body again, coming back up with kisses and nips again, still straddling Richard but more on his thighs now since if he was sat like before then he'd be sat uncomfortably on Richard. The two seemed to stop for a second of quiet, just looking at each other, admiring each others bodies. Paul leaned down and rested his forehead on Richards, not breaking eye contact. He just felt like he needed to be closer to him, and Richard felt the same slightly lifting his head to meet Pauls. They kissed softly, silent shows of admiration being told. But the silence had to be broken soon by a question which seemed to ruin the moment, but also was necessary the two men understood. "Reesh, do you have anything with you?" Richard hesitated, his brow frowning for a moment as he thought what Paul meant. Paul chuckled just lightly, sounding almost embarrassed he asked, "You know, stuff for this?" He gestured to the twos bodies, really hoping he didn't have to say it. For some reason Paul was feeling, maybe not embarrassed, but definitely shy. A few seconds later a small light seemed to click on in Richards head as he nodded showing he now understood, "Oh yea, sorry Paul. I didn't know what you meant. I'll get it." Richard gestured for Paul to move and he did, sitting back into the bed and Richard shuffled off the bed, into the room to him suitcase. Paul couldn't resist his slight childish nature to wolf whistle when he saw Richards naked butt, causing Richard to throw the other man a fake frown over his shoulder, Paul only smiled more.

Richard returned to the bed and sat down, putting the things down on the bedside table. Paul chuckled but tried to play it off as a cough, but Richard saw through it. "What's funny?" Paul shook his head as if dismissing Richards comment but Richard just tackled Paul laying back onto the bed, pinning him playfully to the bed, completely ignoring the fact it wasn't very innocent in this context. "What's funny Liebchen?"

"Why do you have lube already? Been waiting or something?" Paul again couldn't help smiling at the man now on top of him. It didn't bother Paul, he was simply just curious why Richard had it. Richard looked from the bottle next to them on the table then back to Paul and chuckled, "Lets just say, in case I got lonely on tour." Paul nodded his head showing he understood. Everyone gets that sort of lonely every now and then. "But you know now Reesh, if you get lonely, you have me. In any way that might be." Richard smiled at Paul, gently kissing him. "I know Paul. But it at least comes in handy now."

The two men fell silent, instead of talking they began to kiss again. The light and funny nature of the last few minutes had definitely lost some of the mood from before but they didn't care, they'd simply rebuild it. Few more minutes of kissing each others lips, bodies and gently touching each other all over it seemed to be time they were both waiting for now. Richard picked up the condom and lube, rolling it on and then squirting a good amount in this hand. As it was both of their first times with men, Richard just guessed and hoped. He rubbed the lube to be covering his hands, and especially fingers, completely. He lent in close to Paul and gave his small kisses, understanding this next bit may hurt he wanted to relieve as much of that as possible. Richard brought a single finger towards Pauls entrance and slowly slipped it inside. Paul wriggled uncomfortably for a moment, obviously unsure of the feeling. Richard just stayed still, giving Pauls neck small, small feverish kisses. A few seconds later Richard gently brought his finger out and back in, curling it slightly. Again, just guessing but he figured it might be a nice feeling. Paul, instead of wriggling uncomfortably this time, he seemed to wriggle more out of excitement. Paul was soon happily groaning slightly and enjoying Richards movements before Richard added another finger, figuring he'd need to stretch Paul slightly so it won't hurt as much. Another few moments later, Richard retracted his fingers. Paul groaned out of frustration rather than arousal this time and his eyes slipped open to see what Richard was doing. Richard was now putting some lube on himself, hoping to make it hurt not as much. Paul welcomed Richards weight on top of him, again wrapping his legs around Richards waist pulling him a bit closer. Paul pulled Richard in by the back of his head for a deep kiss.

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