Chapter 3~Harper's POV

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"James, can we go to Zonko's?" I begged him. I need new pranking supplies. "I used it all on that neighbor boy who tried to look through my window, which is on the second floor!" James growled at the mention of the the peaking boy. So did Remus and Breaker.

"Got it. Since Mum and Dad left us to our own devices, I say we got to Zonko's first and then get supplies," James declared. I laughed.

We entered Zonko's and I found the place I love, a prank store. Zonko's is the most popular prank shop, nearly all over the world. I stocked up on some more dungbombs, cloaking candies, wheezing licorice whips, and canary candies. James and Breaker did the same as me but Remus walked over to the bookshop. Pettigrew just watched girls as they walked by him. Pervert!
"Ready Harper?" Breaker asked me. I nodded. We walked over to the bookstore and I got distracted hiding from the guys in the romance section. I looked at the werewolf love books. Yeah right, that could so happen. No body will ever love a monster like me, especially with since I'm an Animagus werewolf.
Tears started to pool in my eyes but I tried to make them disappear. I'm strong, you know this! I am strong and beautiful. Being a werewolf does not change that, I told myself as I tried to calm down.

     Rustling was heard and Remus appeared. He glanced at the book I held and immediately sat down and held me to him. I may have just met him, but it seems like I've known him for our whole lives.

I was held tightly in Remus's arms and he whispered sweet nothings into my ear. "Harper, you know I'm a werewolf too, right?" Remus asked me. I looked at him with probably puffy eyes.

"I had a suspicion. James is an animagus," he looked at me with a slight smile. "Oh come on, he transforms in the bathroom. It's not hard to hear a stag on tile flooring."

"Let's go find the others." Remus said and offered his hand. I took it and cast a spell that fixed my makeup.

"Thanks Rem. I'm sorry for breaking down back there-" Remus stopped me.

"It's not your fault that you were forced this way. No one had the choice to become this way, not you or me. If I could have, I would have saved you. You don't deserve this," Remus said and he held me by my shoulders. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

Remus was warm, and had rock hard abs from being a werewolf. I have abs too from being a werewolf. He's sweet, and really handsome. Maybe he would be fine with dating another werewolf . . . My brain drawled.

We broke apart and saw James, Breaker, and Pettigrew. James looked at me and he knew. He engulfed me in a hug.

"Did you go to the romance section or the non-fiction section?" James asked me as he pulled away but still held me.

"Romance. Rem found me." I said. They laughed at the nickname but Remus said he liked it.

"Ok. Let's get your robes first." James said and didn't let go of me. This is what happens when I have an episode about being a werewolf.

We entered the robe shop and a woman looked up from a first years robes. "Hello dears, Hogwarts?" She asked. I nodded and she put me on a stand. A group of guys walked in looking all high and mighty. They sneered at the boys and looked approvingly at me.

They stepped towards me. "Hello beautiful. What's your name?" A guy with long, white/blonde hair asked while looking me up and down. James, Breaker, and Remus growled. Pettigrew just cowered.

"None of your business," I replied and started talking to Jamss.

"Why are you even speaking to that blood traitor and his group of 'friends'?" Another asked with red hair and a devious, snide look.
"Because James is my brother and Remus, Breaker, and Pettigrew are my friends. I can do what I want and don't care what you think," I said and turned to the woman as she measured me for my robes.

The group of guys scoffed. "You can do so much better. Like with us sweetheart," the blond guy said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes with James, Remus, and Breaker.

"Yeah no. You won't get near my sister," said James as he stepped towards me. Remus stood on my other side while Breaker stood nearly in front of me.

"Like you could stop us, you bloody Gryffindors. You are nothing compared to us. We're Slytherins and can beat you any day," the guys lectured us. The woman finished with my robes and shooed us out. We thanked her and I decided to soak the bullies.

I made it start raining and then it stopped a few minutes later. We finished with the boring stuff and decided to get me a pet. James already had an owl named Flash so I decided to find a kitten.

Looking around the shop, all of the animals stayed away from us. I had nearly given up hope when a white cat jumped onto Breaker's head. It started to mess up his hair as he yelled. James and Remus tried to get the cat off but didn't succeed so I walked over a picked up the cat.

She changed colors and I realized she was a metamorphmagus cat. It was extremely rare, even rarer than a human metamorphmagus. I walked up to the counter and the sale lady looked at me in surprise.
"That kitten hates people. I wonder why she picked you? Since she is so difficult to find an owner for, I'll let you have her for free," the lady said and I smiled kindly at her. I bought a carrier, food, and collar.

We walked out of the store and Sirius fixed his hair. "What are you going to name the kitten?" Breaker asked. I thought about different names.

"I was thinking Artemis because she protected me, and can change her color to protect herself." I said. Artemis was hissing at us from the cage and I took her out. Artemis scrambled out of the cage, ran up my arm, and rested on my shoulder. She was like a warmer that purred.

Remus looked at her and laughed. James pet her, carefully and she purred at him. All she did was hiss at Breaker, probably because he smells like a dog. He does though! Harper, he's an animagus. Smells like a dog, laughs like one. If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, then it's a duck, My brain scolded me.

Then we met Mum and Dad at the floo network and flooed home. It was past dinner as I grabbed an apple, walked upstairs, changed clothes, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

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