Chapter One: Goodbye dad, Hello Eighth Grade

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I hate this town. I hate my life. I hate people.
"Carly go to the pool."
"How about the fair? Fair boy might be there."
"His name is Kinden, and I'm still dating Ash."
Mom keeps bothering me telling me to go do something. Ever since dad died she wants me out of the house. She acts like I'm going to do something.
"For India's birthday.. Can I go with her and her family to Silver Dollar City?" I ask looking at mom refilling the dishwasher. "Sure, call me every night though. Now go do something." I roll my eyes. "Please?" She looked at me and I finally agreed to go to the fair with India.

So I left.
I put on music, walking downtown to India's house. I look around as I notice it's getting dark.
The world... Has a soft beauty to it. It's dark with few highlights, like where ever I walk a photographer makes it aesthetic. With each step being on beat, I look at every sign and light pole. The part of town I am in, it reminds me of London. I have never truly been there. Ruining my calming walk where I was lost in thought, I trip and fell. I get up making sure nobody saw. Going back to my work to her house I naturally grab my hair to put it up.
Shit. I forgot my hair tie. What the hell am I going to do now? I see her house and walk up smiling and knock on the door.
The door opens to reveal India. Her short blond hair at her shoulders. Her blue eyes glistening as her mouth curved to a smile.
"I knew you'd make it to the fair with us!"
I laugh at her.
"Ready for the gravitron?"
She invites me inside and I breathe in the scent of sandal wood. Her family all come into the room and exit, on there way to the fair.
"So when we get there let's go look at the animals and eat before we go on any rides."
India explains to me.
"Stupid." I look at her.
"That plan."
"What if we throw up the food of gravitron? It's just land right on us.
"Fine we'll eat later"
I laugh.
We walk into the fair grounds and go straight to the animals. "Omg, I wanna pet a duck."
India looks at me funny. "What?"
"I wanna pet a duck now too, and a chicken."
I laugh and respond, "Alright bet."
We wound up petting chickens..ducks..pigs.. and a goat. "Okay! Wanna go to the rides now?"
I nod at India and we head towards the fair.
"Kempers gonna be here and when she is we're going to stick with her." I shake my head at India. "I dunno because I heard she was with Lizah and Lizah and I are fighting." I say.
The lights are hardly visible and the fair is crowded with people. Every where you look left and right there's a family getting cotton candy or kids rushing to ride any rides, or couples kissing each other. The couples look so happy. Aren't you supposed to be happy in a relationship? Aren't you supposed to trust your partner?
"Earth to Carlyyyyy!!" India was waving her hands in front of me. "If you don't like Lizah then we can go find someone for you to hang with okay?"
"Alright, but for now let's go on avalanche." I suggest. We both stay silent the bolt for avalanche. We laughed and rode rides together all night.... Till Kemper was with Lizah. Then I went on my own... At least
Until I saw him..-

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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