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"Absolutely not!" (Y/n) gripped the rancor tooth handle of the electro-whip in his hand. Teneka backed away from him a bit at the sound of malice in his voice. "Have someone else take her! Preferably someone female!"

"Come to terms with your past you must" Master yoda spoke as he sat in his council seat. "Fine you will be"

(Y/n) took a deep breath to calm himself but it didn't work. "I can do that from the temple! I don't need to go to a planet where they may try to enslave me on sight!"

"Do that they will not. A Jedi you are" Master Yoda spoke. (Y/n) huffed before turning around and storming out of the room so that he didn't continue embarrassing himself.

Teneka quickly caught up to the boy and slowed down once she got to his side. "I-"

"Don't!" (y/n) growled as he shook his head. "Let's just get this over with" he held his hand out the girl. She looked down and saw her whip in his hand.

She quickly took it back and held it protectively. She didn't bother to thank him. She may not dislike this man but she wasn't about to thank someone she should think of as below her. "When do we leave?"

"Now. I don't want this to take any longer than it has to" (y/n) began walking in the direction of the hangar.

Once the two were in the hangar (y/n) looked around an available ship.

The shuttle they walked up to was empty save for the pilots. "Commander" they saluted as the pair walked up to them.

 "Commander" they saluted as the pair walked up to them

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"Troopers" (y/n) nodded. "Is this ship headed anywhere?" The pilots looked at each other before replying.

"No sir" one of them spoke.

"Alright then. I'm going to need you to take us to Dathomir. Master Yodas orders" (y/n) died inside a bit as he said that. The two troopers nodded before heading into the ship.

Except what was necessary, nobody spoke again until they were in hyperspace. "What tribe will I go to?"

(Y/n) considered the question. "I don't know." He shrugged. "I only know the Singing Mountain Clan. That's where I'm from"

Teneka nodded. "The singing mountain clan are the rivals of the nightsisters. I suppose there could be a fun irony in me joining my enemies"

"Whatever you want" (y/n) shook his head before closing his eyes and beginning to meditate.

"What are you doing?" Teneka asked after a few moments of silence.

"Meditating" (y/n) replied simply.

"Boring!" Teneka stood up and turned her whip on. "Let's train!"

"Not a chance. There's not enough room" (y/n) motioned to the small area they were in. He jumped up suddenly when the whip came into contact with his leg. "Fine. You want to train? Let's train" (y/n) stuck out his hand and his eyes lit up a bright green. He quickly made sure to cover his connection with Barriss again so she wouldn't feel his emotions.

"Ah!" Teneka dropped her whip as it started to grow hot. "Oh you want to use magick? Fine!" She stuck her hand out and started chanting.

"Ah!" (Y/n) grabbed his face as it started to burn. It felt like he was melting. "Okay! Okay stop!"

Teneka smirked as she put her arm down. "That's why the women are in charge on Dathomir. You couldn't even defend yourself from my magicks"

(Y/n) let go of his face before aiming his arm at the girl. He pushed her into the wall with the force and held her there. "You were trained from birth to be a witch. I've only just started. One day I will be just as strong if not stronger than you!" (Y/n) let go and Teneka fell back onto her feet.

Teneka glared at the male. "You're lucky you didn't do that on Dathomir. You'd be dead by now"

(Y/n) shook his head. "I'll keep that in mind. Now go back to your seat" he sat back down before beginning once again to meditate.

Teneka sighed before sitting down. After another few moments she spoke again. "I get that you're upset about going home but you need to get over it" (Y/n) quickly opened his eyes and turned to the girl. She stood above him as she spoke again. "You won't be there long. Grow some choobies and deal with it"

(Choobies is Star Wars slang for testicles)

(Y/n) stood up and crossed his arms as he tried to make himself seem taller. "E chu ta" Teneka quickly hit the boy in the stomach causing him to groan in pain. "Alright. I may have deserved that" he held his stomach as the girl glared at him. "I didn't think you'd have enough of a grasp on galactic slang to understand what I said"

"Alright laserbrain. Shut up before you really piss me off" Teneka shoved the boy gently.

"Wouldn't want that would we?" (Y/n) asked causing the girl to glare at him again. "It's to easy. Like shooting rancors in a cage"

The girls face turned to one of disgust. "Why would you ever do that?! Rancors are beautiful creatures!"

"It's an expression" (y/n) rolled his eyes. "It means something is to easy" the girl was about to reply when suddenly the speakers turned on and the captain spoke.

"Coming out of hyperspace" the two Dathomiri quickly sat down and buckled in. "In 3...2...1" there was a sudden shift and they were out of hyperspace.

"Alright" (y/n) sighed. He could sense the planet below them and it made him uncomfortable. "Let's get you down there" they could feel the change in the cabins air pressure as they entered the planets atmosphere.

"You alright?" Teneka asked as she gave him a concerned look. "You look like you've seen a ghost"

"It's just the planet below" the boy spoke as he tried to block out the feeling of the planet below. But between that and blocking Barriss from feeling his fears he was just starting to feel overworked.

All of his fears were realized when suddenly he felt the spike in magick around them. Teneka couldn't feel it since she wasn't force sensitive. "Get d-" the ship was quickly struck by magick empowered lightning.

"Shields are down!" The pilots voice came from the speaker system. "Shields are-" he was cut off as the ships cockpit was hit by another bolt of lightning. (Y/n) closed his eyes and tried to block out the all to familiar feeling of the two pilots deaths.

Word count: 1114

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