— Rosé! Please stop, ok? No one is gonna be hooking up with no one tonight. — I stopped, gripping her shoulders.

— Speak for yourself, I am so getting laid tonight. You should too, it would loosen you up a little. You know Lis, you're a little too uptight sometimes. — she said before walking away, following Jungkook and Jimin, who seemed to be going to the club where the blonde girl had gone to.



  — C'mon Lis, take one at least. — Rosé was currently 3 tequila shots in and was trying to get me to get waisted with her.

  — Rosé, you know very well that if I get home drunk my mom will never let me out again.

  — Oh, screw your mom!! It's party time, c'mon! — she screamed through the loud music.

I am so out of it right now. I don't know most of the songs playing, nor do I enjoy them at all, it smells like shit in here and I lost sight of Jungkook and Jimin right after the security guy took our fake I.D's and let us in ahead of everyone else in line.

  — Hey, have you seen Jungkook or Jimin since we got here? — I asked Rosé, as she downed another shot.

  — Not really, have you? Of course you haven't that's why you asked! — she said before starting laughing like a lunatic.

  — Oh my god, Rosé.

  — C'mon Lisa!! Just one, for me? please? — she looked at me with those adorable chipmunk cheeks and I fell for it.

  — Ugh, fine. Just one, though!

  — YAY!! GET ME THREE MORE TEQUILA SHOTS! — she yelled at the bartender.

  — Coming up. — he said, leaving to prepare the drinks.

He came back with the 3 shots accompanied with 3 slices of lemon and gave them to us.

  — Ready? — Rosé asked.

  — Ready. — I said, laughing to myself.


And we downed the shot together, and then another, and then another, and only then did I start to feel very dizzy.

  — Oh no, not again. — I said putting my head to my hands.  — Could you get me a glass of water, please?

  — Sure — the bartender said. — This is for you by the way. — he said putting a drink in front of me.

  — What? No, I didn't ask for this.

  — Yeah, he did. — the bartender said, pointing at a beautiful, tall, black, light brown eyed guy sitting on the other side of the seats of the bar. He was absolutely gorgeous, and way too good to be true.
(a/n- chap pic)

  — Oooh, he is hot. What are you waiting for? Go talk to him! — Rosé said.

  — What? No.

  — Why not? Lisa, he is hot, you are hot, where's the problem?

  — I just don't want to.

  — Too bad. He's coming here.— she said, looking back at her drink.

  — He's what? — I didn't even have time to prepare, cause when I looked behind me, there he was.

  — Hey. — he said, leaning on the counter next to me.

  — Hi. — I said, before turning my gaze back to the bartender — Hey, where's that water?

  — Right sorry, here you go. — he said, giving me my glass of water. I started drinking it right away.

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