If It Works

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If there's one thing Gluntz wants people to know, it's that she can be zany, maybe a touch naïve, but far from stupid. Her new friends didn't need a reminder of that, it was mostly the average Joe who needed to remember.

But this latest idea had her questioning if she was really naïve or just plain dumb: could she and Sam be a good pairing?

On the upside, he was pretty similar to her. He was the giddy to Guy's grumpy the same way she was giddy and McWinkle was grumpy. Anyone on the outside looking in would've thrown that idea out there (I'm not saying, I'm just saying, you know?) and there was something about him that just caught her eye, had her thinking that they'd fit together like bread and butter (wink wink).

But the catch is that Sam harbored feelings for Guy, yet still helped him get together with Michellee (long story). That was a red flag that it wouldn't work.

Yet you never know until you try...
Gluntz knocked on Sam's door.

"Hello, Gluntz!" He seemed pretty happy today. At least he wasn't mad at her for telling him about going to his hearing. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, nothing much." She chuckles lightly. "I just...wanted to know..." Now she was stumbling. This was so unlike her. Let's just hope Sam doesn't get too curious.

"Yeeeeeeess?" Wow, he really drew out that 'yes'. He's suspicious alright.

"I...uh...wanted to know...ifyouwouldliketogoouttonight?" Rapid fire talking. Maybe he'd misheard her because now that she was here, Gluntz was having a few second doubts.

"'Would I like to go out tonight?'" Uh-oh. He caught everything she said. "I'd love to, Gluntz, but Guy and Michellee are going out on a date tonight and they asked me to watch E.B. until they got back. Sorry."

Quickly thinking, Gluntz asks, "Why don't I help you?"

"Okay. I'm sure Guy and Michellee would like another pair of hands on deck. Plus, E.B. thinks you're pretty cool."

Gluntz smiles. "Awesome. What time should I come over?"

"Six", Sam says. "That's when the two lovebirds will be heading out."

"All right. See you then, I-Am."

"You too."
At six, Gluntz pulled up in front of the Weebie house. As she got out of her car, Guy and Michellee were walking out at the same moment. The two of them were dressed formally like they were attending a gala. With both of their professions in mind, that was most likely where they were headed.

Then they noticed Gluntz approaching.

"Gluntz? What are you doing here?", Michellee asked.

"Sam told me he was gonna be here and that he needed a little extra help tonight", she explained.

"He did? Well, okay then. We'll be back by midnight. Just make sure that the house is still tidy and E.B.'s in bed by then."

"Sure thing. Have fun, you two." She waves as they walk to the car. Heading inside, she found Sam and E.B. sitting on the couch, watching a movie.

"Hey", she says out loud.

Sam and E.B. turn around and smile.

"Hi, Gluntz", E.B. says. "You came to hang out too?"

"You know I did."

"Yeah, I invited her", Sam told E.B. This made the little girl snicker softly. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing." She pretended to look at her watch, even though her wrist was bare. "Would you look at that? I have homework to do." She gets up and heads to the stairs.

"Umm, E.B. It's summer." Gluntz tells her as she walks by.

"I fell behind in math." She said that without even looking her in the eye.

Gluntz laughs and shakes her head. Then she walks over to the couch. "Hey, Sam."

He smiles up at her, crinkles forming around the corners of his eyes from his huge grin. "Good evening."

"Uhh...she's not really doing homework, is she?"

"I thought you'd know that for yourself." He pats the cushion next to himself. "Please, sit."

She sits. Now she was shaking. Since it was apparent that Sam could read her, there was no need to mince words around him.

"Look, Sam. A few weeks back, this crazy idea popped into my head", she began, making a quick glance at Sam, whose smile had dropped somewhat. Now Gluntz was anticipating the worst possible outcome from her decision. "The idea was..." She paused again. "Never mind. I'm just gonna say it."

Unbeknownst to the both of them, E.B. was peeking out of her bedroom door, listening.

"Sam, I...kind of...sort of...like you."

Sam did an aside glance, made an overdramatic shrug, and said, "Duh."

Gluntz looked up with wide eyes. "'Duh?'"

"I had a feeling you did. No one can resist Sam-I-Am."

Gluntz laughs. "Now I just need to know. Is that feeling shared?"

Sam stands up and grabs her hands to stand her up too. "Yes."

"I knew it!", E.B. yelled from the railing.

"E.B.!", Sam exclaimed. "You were eavesdropping?"

"Yes. Please don't be mad. But I could tell from the way you two looked at each other when Gluntz walked in."

"You like me too, Sam?", Gluntz asks for clarification.

"Yes. I like everyone, but you're special."

"Thank you." They hug.

Green Eggs and Ham: Extra Bit(e)s - Gluntz Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ