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"Harder, Ace. Please f**k me harder!" the woman groaned loudly in his ears, and he winced despite the insobriety clouding his mind. Without a care, he took another swig of his beer bottle, and thrust harder into that slick p**sy in front of him. He felt nothing. Nothing at all.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to summon the usual amount of infinitesimal pleasure that he managed to writhe out of the usual pounding. But to be honest he was put off by the blonde bimbo who was munching on her chewing gum and crying out his name like she was seeing a piece of Heaven.

A flash of amber liquid fire flashed in front of his eyes, and he grimaced as his orgasm caught up with him, and he emptied his seed inside the womb of... well, of the woman in front of him. He couldn't remember his own name right now.

With one eye closed, he stumbled towards his bed, and signaled the omega to leave without fuss. However, that sleazy woman seemed to have another thing on her mind. Not discouraged by his lack of enthusiasm, she went on her fours, pushing him back on the bed.

It didn't even occur to him to protest – that was the position he preferred; he would get pleasured without the barest effort on his behalf. True to her suggested moves, she grabbed his c*ck in her hands, and started her hand to move up and down. He was still wet from the previous ejaculation, and the movements were fluid and he found himself getting hard again.

Dropping his head backwards to hit the pillow, he relaxed against her hands, and allowed her to continue with her administrations. It was easier to picture a pair of golden eyes full of sadness in that position. He no longer had to pretend that he was with the actual person pleasuring him. Fiery auburn hair added to the picture, and juices flowed from his pen*s to wet that woman's hand.

Encouraged, the woman swallowed his shaft in her mouth, her saliva making it even more sluice for the up and down motion. He moaned as an innocent smile appeared in his mind, the depiction of purity and perfection. Was he delusional now?

Shaking his head to clear the picture was unsuccessful as the image stayed and he orgasmed with that very illustration.

"Oh, Ace!" the woman pleasuring him exclaimed in her whiny voice, breaking the illusion, and Ace could have strangled her. "That felt sooo good for me!"

Somehow he doubted it, but he refrained from voicing out the thoughts trotting in his drunken mind. He wasn't sure they made sense anyway. Unconcerned, he took another sip from the bottle only to belatedly realize that it was already empty.

"Do you want me to stay, Ace?" the woman infused enthusiastically, and Ace flinched at the request. Whatever her name was, she was an omega. Omegas had the tendency to believe that hooking up with an alpha gave them some superior ascent to the hierarchical line.

"No," he managed to croak through his gurgled throat. He never really registered when she let herself out – he dozed off in a beer-induced coma only to wake up late afternoon the next day.

There was his butler Javier waiting patiently for him to get up, and when his eyes opened, the man servant cleared his throat in a telling manner.

"What is it, Javier?" Ace asked wincing as there was too much light on the room. His head was pounding, and he put his eye mask back on, waving his hand blindly at Javier in a silent request to pull back the curtains. "Is it morning yet?"

"It's nearly afternoon, sir," Javier replied with a slash of condemnation in his grave voice which Ace did not miss. However, he chose to ignore the censure from his butler, not because of arrogance, only due to the fact that there was something more urgent waiting for him.

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