"NO FUCKING WAY" i ask jump up from my seat. "yes way! people loved you guys in season 4!" he says as we jump up and down holding hands.

"YES ILL DO IT ABSOLUTELY, when is it?" i ask as i take deep breaths. "the 25th so in like a week, you'd come back to new york with me" he explains.

i nod writing it down on my desk calendar. "okay i'll tell thomas and make sure i'm free, how many days will i need?" i ask.

"24th to the 26th" he tells me handing me a leaflet for the event. "i gotta run, noah's got shit to do so heading into town" he says giving me a quick hug before walking out.

"TABITHA HUN WHERE ARE YOU GOING" i hear him ask, i wonder out my room upstairs to tabithas room. i walk in seeing a bunch of men packing up her room.

"what the.. tabitha what's going on?" i ask as Ross shakes his head before leaving. "i'm ugh moving to new york!" she says smiling.

"already? oh um well i'm happy for you!" i smile giving her a huge hug, tearing up. "i'll miss you" i sniffle.

"i'll miss you more bitch" she sobs, i walk her down to her car as the moving van leaves.

everyone had said there goodbyes already. "you text me as soon as you land, me and ross come out on the 24th u better have an apartment or house tour ready for me" i point at her.

"of course, i better getting going. thank you for being my bestfriend" she sniffles as we hug again. "thank you for being my mom" i laugh wiping my eyes as she starts her car.

"bye kiddo" she waved driving down the hill. "bye.." i wave. i wipe eyes which didn't do anything as the tears kept falling.

i walk back inside seeing thomas walking down the stairs. "did she leave?" he asks walking over as i locked the door.

"yeah" i sniffle, he pulls me into a hug rubbing my back as i cry onto his shoulder. "it's okay kid" he whispers.

"she was so sweet, and she listened. to all of my problems. and didn't even realise she had been planning this" i sniffle pulling away.

"people move on, it's okay. i know you guys will stay friends" he says. "yeah" i nod sipping my face. "god i've cried so much this month, it feels like i never get good things in life" i laugh.

"that's not true, you got jackson, you live with jacob now! eddies in a home so your not worrying about him being alone anymore, and your playing drums at a concert in a week!" he lists. "i think me and jackson kinda are taking a break" i sniffle.

"you guys will figure it out" he tells me before heading to the kitchen. i make my way back to my room scrolling on insta, Ross sends me a ss of a newspaper article.

new york times- actors from netflix show stranger things will perform popular heavy metal song 'master of puppets' july 25th at the javits centre

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new york times- actors from netflix show stranger things will perform popular heavy metal song 'master of puppets' july 25th at the javits centre.

"holy shit that's new york times" i mumble reading it, "SHES ON NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES BRO" i hear someone yell.

i walk to the kitchen seeing almost everyone surrounded around mia. "she's an actor idiot" ace says.

"you guys saw it?" i ask. "i am SO proud of you kiddo" bryce smiles over at me rushing to hug me spinning me around.

"thanks brycey" i smile as he puts me back down. "think i'm gonna cry" jacob says wiping away fake tears. "please dad don't be such an embarrassment" i groane sarcastically as he hugs me.

"i'm so frickin proud of you little man" he says kissing my head. i smile thanking him before making my way back to my room.

when i walk in jackson's sat on the edge of my bed, i go to walk back but he stops me. "please! don't walk away. i wanna talk" he pleads.

"there's nothing to talk about" i shrug as i put some trash lying around into my trash can.

"yes there is, we just had an argument over fucking shorts" he says waving his arms around. "not my problem" i shrug again, sitting on my desk chair.

"well.. i just wanted to say i'm so-" "jackson i don't want ur apology, it was over some fucking shorts. it's stupid and childish. all i want is reassurance that you genuinely love me" i say finally looking at him.

my heart aching at how red his eyes were, the tip of his nose all red like rudolf.

"i love you bell, so fucking much, i didn't even cry this much when me and christy broke up or when my dog died!" he says sniffling.

i walk over standing i front of him, pulling him into a hug. he melts into the hug, sobbing onto my jumper as i rub his back.

i let him cry for a bit, kissing his forehead every once and a while. once he's calmed down he pulls away standing up.

i reach up wiping his eyes, we both smile hugging once more, we fall onto my bed.

we end up falling asleep for hours, waking up at 5 am.

"it's 5am.." i say checking my alarm clock that sat on my night stand. "hmm?" he groans stretching.

"we fell asleep at like 7pm it's now 5" i whisper running my hands through his hair. "let's watch the sunrise on the roof" he says pulling me up.

we head up to the roof, sitting on the edge looking down to the front drive, i rest my head on top of his as he sits between my legs.

"this is nice" i whisper softly. "better than before" he says back.

"definitely" i smile kissing his cheek.

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