
"Eddie!!" You yell out to Eddie from the door, you walk down the stairs with Steve behind you. Eddie, who's started to organise the table, shoots his head up and smiles.
"Hey sweetheart" he says walking up to you going in for a hug, "oh and I can't forget you Harrington" he says pulling away from the hug and turning to Steve, grabbing hold of his shoulder and glancing at his lips then giving him a side hug.

"Hey Y/N!" Dustin yells over to you, you spin around. "Oh my god Dustin! I didn't think you'd be here so early!" You say with a smile pulling him into a hug.
"Yea Eddie asked us all to help out today, it's gonna be a big campaign" he replied pulling away from the hug, still smiling.
"Henderson! Hey man" Steve says joyfully, "Steve! I didn't think you'd be coming!" Dustin replies even happier.

You could see how happy Steve was so you backed away to say hi to the other members, Gareth, Jeff, Mike and to your surprise a little kid.
"Hello? I don't think I've met you before? I'm Y/N" you say holding your hand out to shake.
"Erica Sinclair." She says formally shaking your hand.
"Ahh, Lucas' little sister?" You ask pulling your hand back.
"Yes, idiot has basketball practice so I had to fill in" she replied lifting her head high.
"Well, Erica, it's nice to meet you. I'm Eddies friend" you say pointing back at Eddie.
"Are you also joining us?" She asks
"Oh uh no, I've never actually been to a campaign. Steve and I are just here to watch" you reply smiling.
"Well, I hope you enjoy the show" she says, then walking away to help set up the last few things.

(I'm sorry there's so many skips 💀)

"Hey!" Eddie yells, making everyone turn from their huddle.
"If I may interject, gentlemen, Lady applejack." He says adjusting in his seat.
"Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Greats concern to heart." He says.
"There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes, not today, 'kay?" He ads.
"One sec." Dustin says raising his finger before they all huddle back up.

Eddie slouches back into his seat, tilting his head over to you and Steve. He smiles, bites his lip and winks at you both, making you turn to Steve blushing only to see him blushing also.
You snicker, catching Steves attention.
He laughs a little and drops his face into his hands.
"My god.." he whispers, you could see his smile on the side of his face which made you giggle and poke him.
"You like Eddiee" you whisper, teasing him.
"Like you can talk, you used to complain about him all the timee and now you-" you cover his mouth with your hand before he could say anymore, "fuck you" you silently laugh.

All of a sudden everyone else looks back to Eddie, disbanding their huddle.
"Let's kill the son of a bitch." Dustin says to Eddie.

"The chances of success are 20-to-1." Jeff says to Dustin.
"Never. Tell me. The odds." Dustin says sternly, "give me the D20." He ads holding his hand out for Eddie.
Eddie chucks the D20 over to Dustin.
Dustin catches it and starts shaking it in his hands.

Gripping onto the sides of your seat you whisper to yourself "c'mon Dustin..". You're invested now.

Dustin lets go, the die rolls.
You're on the edge of your seat at this point.

It's still rolling.
You stand up trying to get a better look.
Everyone else leaning over the table trying to keep up with the die.

Eddie's watching it, waiting for it to stop.

"That's. A. MIISSSS." Eddie yells through head bangs.
"NOO" we all yell.
You slump back into your seat and groan.
"They were so close!" You groan at Steve.
"I still don't understand any of this..." he replies.

Ericas roll now.
She picks up the die and starts to shake it in her hands.
The adrenaline is back, you shoot back up to watch.
Everyone's anxious, Erica rolls.
"Please! Pleasse!" Gareth begs.
"C'mon Lady Applejack!" Dustin says.

Eddie concentrated on the die again.
Tensing his jaw, it stops. It's a 20.
"CRIT HIT!" Erica yells out.

"YEAAH!!" Everyone yells out in excitement.
You throw your hands in the air, "YEAAAH!" You yell.

"WHAT! WHAT!" Eddie yells out playfully, clapping his hands in excitement and looking back over to you and Steve.
You're still yelling in excitement, grabbing onto Steves hands saying "they did it! The beat vecna!" "Who's venca?" Steve replies still confused but smiling, "I have no idea!" You reply back, you both laugh and you sit back down.
Looking over to Eddie and giving him double thumbs up with a big smile. He smiles back and turns back over to everyone else.
"That's why we play!" He yells out.

[——skip——everyone's head out——just you, Steve and Eddie in the Hellfire room now——]

"Dude campaigns are so fun!" You say helping Eddie pack up.
"Well that's just because of me sweetheart" he replies.
"Yeah right, you're just overdramatic. That's why you're so fun" Steve ads.
"Oh you have a problem with my dramaticness Harrington?" Eddie asks with his hand over his heart, acting insulted.
Making you chuckle.
"Maybe" Steve replies sitting up on the table.

"Really now?" Eddie says walking up in front of Steve before leaning in and gripping onto the table on each side of him, making Steve jump a little bit and blush.

Eddie smirks and glances at Steves lips again, only to pull away and look at you who is shocked from what you just saw.

Eddie looks back at Steve and leans in again, and whispers into his ear "Everyone's gotta have a drama queen in their life pretty boy" then gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking up to you, kissing your forehead and walking into the store room.

Mouth still wide open in shock, Steve looks at you and you both smile.
"Di- did that jus.. did he.?" Steve stumbles on his words.
You just nod with a big grin on your face.
"He swings both ways. Damn." Steve whispers to you.
You let out a quiet giggle over Steves little gay crisis.
"This is amazing" you whisper.
"Wait wait what're those uhh.. amory? Polam? Uhh" Steve asks snapping his fingers.
"Uhh umum, poly?? Oh! Oh! Polyamory!" You say.
"Yea, yea, so we could be a polyamorous relationship?" He asks, "yea of course! If that's what you and Eddie want" you reply.
"What do I want?" Eddie asks coming out of the storage room.
"Polyamorous relationship" you say.
"A poly-what?" He says confused, placing a box on the table.
"It's a relationship with more than one person" Steve replies.
"Ohh, so with you two or James Hetfeild and Dave Mustaine?" He jokes.
"Haha very funny Munson" Steve says sarcastically, making Eddie chuckle.
"With us Eddie" you say smiling.
"Yea alright" he replies.

To be continued because it's currently 2am and I have school in 6 hours
(I live in Australia)

Eddie Munson x Fem Y/N x Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now