The New Apocalypse

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Chapter 1

This place is one of true evil.

It is the place of nightmares, it is the dark at the heart of the forest. The place where demons walk among us, this is the place we once called home. Now, over run by our deepest and darkest fears.

Once, what now seems like a life time ago, this place was Earth, but now it has been infested, destroyed. It has withered and died because of the demons that now roam its ground. The apocalypse came and went in the blink of an eye.

All that remained was a waste land. A place that seemed as inhospitable as hell itself, though I feel that hell would be a nice reprieve from this 'new' earth. Everybody who didn't have any sort of faith died along with the world, everybody else seemed to have their faith taken away from them.

The apocalypse killed more than two thirds of the world's population. The others left alive had to go into hiding. Nowhere was safe from the monsters, but we found that underground was surprisingly the place with the least risk of being noticed and knocked off. It took us a while to realise that though, we lost a lot of people before we headed down into the bowels of the Earth.

It took Lucifer less than a day to take over and truly conquer the Earth. The big guy upstairs did nothing to stop him, no opposition was shown which left us, the mere mortals, here to suffer. It makes me think that there is no 'higher power' that all of this, all of this Faith we put into someone who would happily watch us die, was misplaced. Why should we believe in someone who couldn't care less? Salvation is not coming!

'James. We need to make an excursion above ground. We need more supplies, I know this is an unscheduled complication but it is needed' Erza looked to me for these types of decisions, in fact they all did in our little faction. We didn't have a leader but I suppose if we did then I would be it. I James Bachman, the leader of this rag tag group of misfits and survivors, I have thought of this a few a few times but never have we made it official, we like our tradition. Lately, tradition is all we have.

'Fine, we'll need to make it quick though. The sun will be down shortly and we need to be careful, we can't have any loses this time'. I replied. 'Call for Monty and JD. The four of us will make it quick go up there and see what we can find.

Erza went to fetch them, she would be my number two if I were in charge. She was fabulous. Her red hair which flowed down her back only added to her marvellous beauty. She was strong, stronger than most here, and she was quick which made her perfect for these little missions.

It didn't take them long to get back to me. They stood in a semi-circle around me, clearly awaiting 'orders'. These were the finest here in our faction. Monty and JD were brothers. Its lucky that they both survived actually not a lot of families did. They were both quite skinny but given these circumstances most of us were. Monty still had muscle though, his body still pretty toned, in his former life he was a steel worker, his strength, when put to the test was pretty much unparalleled.

JD on the other hand, he was extremely fast and light on his feet, nobody knows what he did for a living before all of this and Monty won't say anything. He can go undetected in the most heavily infested areas, great if we need to get into places that seem to be on 'lockdown'. All of them were good in a fight, they have all saved my life countless times in the past and I have returned that favour for them all tenfold. We are the 'dream team' when it comes to fighting, surviving.

'What's the plan James? Where we heading this time?' JD asked. His gruff voice steady. Nerves of steel this one.

'Erza. What do we need, what supplies need to be replenished? Not too much though, we can't be out for too long.

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