"Is horrible." Jonathan said, making Kendall slowly look up to him, her eyes big like a hurt animal. Jonathan and Kendall stared into each others eyes, both of their minds reeling of the night before in the hotel room.

Murray smirked at the sight of the two teens having a moment. He sighed, making Jonathan and Kendall jump away from each other and look at him. "It is a curse to see so clearly. So, how'd I do?" He asked.

Neither of them answered his question, Jonathan nervously looking down at his fidgeting hands as Kendall blinked in shock at him. Murray chuckled, standing up from his loveseat across from them. "My goodness. You two are adorable, aren't you?" He asked before his happy demeanor fell into a serious one.

"Listen... there's a pull-out sofa in my study if you want it." Murray told Jonathan in a defeated tone. But if I were you, I'd cut the bullshit, listen to that one," He pointed at at Kendall. "and share the damn bed."

Murray walked towards his room, leaving the teens all alone. It was quiet between the two of them before Kendall yawned. Jonathan looked down at her and chuckled. "You need to go to bed?" He asked and Kendall smiled, her eyes closed as she stretched. "Yep."

Jonathan groaned as he got off the couch. He moved around to stand in front of Kendall. He holds his hands out to her and quickly, Kendall grabs onto his hands. Jonathan pulls Kendall up, muttering a small "Alright, come on." as he pulled her up and walked with her to the guest room.


Once they were ready for bed, Kendall and Jonathan laid down. They didn't realize it until they were both already comfortable, but based on the sides of the bed they were on, they'd be facing each other rather than having their backs to each other.

As they faced each other in the dimly lit room, tension started to build in the air. In the stillness, they both stole glances at each other, their minds swirling with unspoken desires. As they lay there, Jonathan's eyes fall down to Kendall's lips. Kendall felt her breath catch, her heartbeat in her ears. Jonathan's eyes lingered on Kendall, his thoughts racing.

"I'm sorry about last night." Jonathan whispered. His eyes were glued on Kendall's, sending a chill down the girls spine. Kendall blinked, her mouth opening and closing slightly. "What do you mean?" She whispered back.

Jonathan looked back and forth between Kendall's eyes and lips before he slowly brought his hand up to cup Kendall's face. Kendall felt her head get dizzy, almost as if the butterflies in her stomach traveled up to her head.

It was queit between the two of them. Jonathan silently asking if what he was about to do was okay. Kendall barely nodded, but Jonathan saw it and slowly started to lean in.

Kendall's eyes slowly started to close when she felt Jonathan's nose brush hers.

Kendall felt a rush of emotions when her lips met Jonathan's—nervousness, relief, and an undeniable joy. Time seemed to pause as silly as it sounded, even though she had had many kisses before, this one felt like a first kiss to Kendall.

This kiss felt sweeter than the other kisses she's had. More real. She felt more connected to Jonathan after one kiss with him than she ever felt after all of her kisses with Steve.

What felt like minutes was actually seconds when Jonathan and Kendall pulled away. Kendall slowly opened her eyes to find Jonathan's face still a mere inches away from hers. His face was pink with a nervous blush.

Suddenly, both of them broke out into big grins, Jonathan's hand falling from Kendall's face. Jonathan dropped his head as he laughed. Kendall started to laugh with him and when Jonathan brought his head back up to Kendall's face and leaned in to kiss her again.

lonely hearts club || Jonathan ByersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin