Viktor Hargreeves

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I thought this would be a nice scene with you and Vanya coming out as Viktor.

After me and Vanya talked to Markus, I felt bad but I also felt like I did the right thing to protect my family, Vanya was the one who came up with the plan.

"Hey Vanya, Im really glad you come up with that, I feel so much better feeling like I've protected my family just then" I told her, she kept quiet and looked at the ground.

"V?, What's wrong?" I asked her "it's actually Viktor now and it's always who I've been" I looked at him shocked but smiled and hugged him "oh Viktor"

"I'm sorry sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't tell me" I told him, he laughed and hugged me back.

"You never made me feel like that, it's just coming out to your family is hard because it's the main thing you really care about there opinion" he explained, I looked at him.

"Wanna go shopping?" I asked and he nodded.


After that mess of looking for things we were back at Hotel obsidian, and Viktor and I was about to tell the boys about our talk with Marcus.

"Guys, Me and Vanya talked to Marcus last night" I winked at Viktor, It wasn't my place to tell the boys about Viktor so I had to let him do it.

"You talked to the enemy?" Diego asked, I rolled my eyes "No we talked to him so I could protect you guys" I spoke sarcastically, Five took notice of Vanya's hair.

"Who elected you Vanya?" He asked, I smiled softly at Viktor and nodded.

"I's actually Viktor now" he told "it's who I've always been" they looked confused "has anyone got a problem with it?" He asked and the boys shook their heads..

"Nah I'm alright" diego spoke talking his drink

"Yeah me too, cool" Klaus smiled, holding up some crisps.

"Truly happy for you Viktor" Five smiled,I smiled and hugged him.

"Welcome home Viktor"

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