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Abir Rajvansh

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Abir Rajvansh. 25 year old. A fully disciplined man. Have principles for each and every thing in his life.

 Have principles for each and every thing in his life

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Mishti Maheshwari. 23 years old. Total bindaas girl. Doesn't have any word named principles in her life dictionary.

Abir's family...

Mehul. Abir's father.

Meenakshi. Abir's mother.

Kunal. Abir's cousin (chacha's son).

Mishti's family...

Rajshree. Mishti's mother.

Vishambhar. Mishti's father.

Other characters...

Kuhu. Kunal's love interest.

Gabbar. Worker in Abir's library.

Merry. Worker in Abir's library.

Gullu. Reader in Abir's library.

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