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At The Stadium

"Mommy come on I want to see daddy." Essence said to me. "Essence I know but calm down."I said to her. As we were walking I saw Jordan's coach so I was going to ask him if Essence can see Jordan before the game. "Coach Ted." I said and he looked back at me and smiled.

"Jimin it's good to see you and you to Miss Essence." he said to me as he gave me a hug. "It's good to see you too but I was wondering if Essence can see Jordan before the game because she's been wanting to see him all day." I said to him. "Of course she can so follow me." he said to me so me and Essence followed him.

"I'll tell him to come out because I know how he gets when the other players look at you." Ted said to me as he walked in the locker room. "DADDY!!" Essence yelled as she saw Jordan. "Hey princess." he said to her as he picked her up. "Mommy said that we are going to watch you play today." she said to him. "Yeah that's true and I expect that out of the whole crowd that I hear you cheering for me the loudest." he said to her.

"Yeah I'm going to be super loud like this." she said to him as she stretched out her arms so show how loud she was going to be. "Let me talk to mommy right now okay because I have to go back soon." Jordan said to her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and put her down. "You alright?" he asked me. "I'm fine." I said to him.

"Just making sure because I know how Essence can tire you out." he said to me making me laugh. "Well she is your daughter so that's probably why." I said to him. "I mean I do tire you out but in the bed of course." he said to me making me blush. "Stop Essence is here." I said to him making him laugh.

"But me and Essence need to get to our seats so I'll see you playing in the game." I said to him. "Wait where's my kiss?" he asked me. So I leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Good luck and don't get hurt." I said to him. "I won't get hurt and thanks for the good luck." he said to me as he gave me another kiss and then went in the locker room. 

"Alright baby let's go and take our seats." I said to her as I grabbed her hand. And we started walking inside the stadium and there were cameras already flashing our way. "Jimin over here." one of the camera people said. But I ignored them seeing as I had Essence and she was scared of them a little bit.

"Jimin is it true that you and Jordan are expecting another baby?" another one asked me. And they kept getting closer so I said something. "Okay no I'm not pregnant and if y'all don't mind I'm just trying to me and my daughter to our seats so can y'all back up because your scaring my child." I said to them so they backed up and let me and Essence walk.

"I don't understand why they think they should be all in your space when you have Essence with you." Conan said to me as I sat by him. "I know they just don't care it's like all they want to do is be noisy on what's going on with me and Jordan." I said to him. "Well don't stress about it." he said to me. "I'm not going to but thanks for coming today." I said to him.

"You know I was going to come especially when it comes to seeing Amir get all aggressive and sweaty." he said to me. And I playfully rolled my eyes. "Conan just ask the man out or something because it's getting sad hearing you tell Jordan to tell Amir to text you and stuff." I said to him. "Well I'm sorry we all can't be like you Jimin and just go up to our crush." he said to me and I laughed a bit.

"Mommy when does it start?" Essence asked me. "In a few minutes so here play with my phone until it starts so you won't be bored." I said to her as I gave her my phone. "Speaking of Jordan did you ask him about that thing?" Conan asked me. "Not yet but I don't know if I should ask him I mean Essence is already a hand full and we barley have time for her some times so I don't think asking for another baby is good right now." I said to him.

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