1 ... the stranger

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"ATHENA we can't just sit around and wait, we have to do something! Athe—" screams of terror erupted from the building ahead as the blazing fire burst into wild flames. It broke the glass windows and poured out. The glowing light I'd been staring at finally moved, seeming startled. I watched as it moved at a rapid speed—a speed that was impossible for any human being to move at. It disappeared into the night, the aura disappearing with it. Arms looping around my body brought me back to life and I gasped as I was shielded on the ground behind a police car for safety.

The ringing and screams pierced my ears and increased my heart rate. I push my partner off of me and crawl out from behind the car. I could hear him screaming for me to come back but what I was witnessing made me sick to my stomach. "No, no, no..." My shaky hands cover my mouth as I stare up at the flames and the destruction of the building that held over fifty people inside. I reach my arms out at the nightmare, my feet dragging me closer. "No, no..."

"Athena!" My partner grips me back and spins me around. The look in his eyes almost made me vomit then and there. Fire alarms and multiple ambulance lights reflected off his face as he stared at me with fear and disbelief.

"What's wrong with you?!" He yells making me flinch and I shake my head, not wanting to believe what just occurred.

"Those people just died because of you!"

"-mmy! Mommy!" My sweaty body shot up on full alert and I almost reached for my gun underneath my pillow until I realized it was just my six-year-old. My shaky hands slap my face and rub my eyes. After wiping sweat from my forehead, I take a deep breath, reminding myself that it was just a nightmare and I wasn't reliving it again. "Mommy?" My six-year-old wrapped her small cold hands around my neck and I was safe. "Oh, I'm so sorry my love," I kissed her cheek repeatedly and squeezed her tight in my arms.

"Are you okay?" She pulled away and looked at me with her concerned mismatched eyes. Brushing her bedhead from her face, I rub my thumbs across her chubby cheeks and smile.

"I'm fine my love, I promise. It was just a dream."

"But...you yelled," she mumbled into her stuffed toy.

"Baby I'm sorry I woke you up and scared you. But I promise I'm okay now. Thank you for waking me, you're my hero," her smile spread contagiously and I was affected. "Today!" She reminded me and hopped up and down on her knees.

"Yes today," she squealed and jumped on my bed more frequently. Unraveling myself from my blankets, I grab my world and bring her down to my lap to tickle her stomach. Her giggles soothed me and made me feel better. I give her quick kisses all over her face before patting her bottom playfully. "Okay, go brush your teeth and come to the kitchen," I didn't need to tell her twice as she made it her life's goal to climb out of bed and dash out the door.

I laughed softly and heard the sink water running from a distance. Brushing my bedhead, I suck in a breath and release it. I take a minute to gather myself before turning to put my gun away in the locked drawer beside my bed. I made sure the magazine was out and tucked beside it before finally getting out of bed. Going through my dresser, I pop a pill that is supposed to help with my anxiety and gulp down the rest of a water bottle. I take a second and grab my shaking hand before I start to head down the hall. "Sadie? You okay?"

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