SMG4's high shorts #3 TMOTS part 2 Operation HBDM

Start from the beginning

Meggy: ok.

Narrator: Meggy's door start to knocks.

Meggy: hmm?

Narrator: Meggy walks to the door and open the door to find Tari and Desti standing and smiling.

Meggy: oh hey Tari, hey Desti.

Tari and Desti: Hi Meggy.

Tari: Meggy today is a special day for us cause It's a girls' day out.

Desti: Yeah come on Meggy It's gonna be fun.

Narrator: Tari and Desti grab Meggy's arms and dragging her away.

Meggy: w-wait Bye Mom Bye Dad.

Mr. and Ms.Spletzer: Bye honey.

Narrator: So Tari, Desti and Meggy go on a Girls' day out while Saiko is watching and everyone get their stuff, It took about 1 hour for them to reach the shopping cente or store.

*9:00 AM SMG4 AND BOOPKINS' POV at the shopping mall*

Narrator:  Boopkins and SMG4 are getting decoration at the Decor4U. SMG4 is at the party section and boopkins is at the anime section.

SMG4: hmm which color is better pink or blue? boopkins can help me over here? Boopkins?

Boopkins: Yeah boiiiiii I'm in heavens.

SMG4: Boopkins you do know that Meggy hates anime right?

Boopkins: NANI?! don't worry I'll make her like anime.

*1 hour later*

SMG4: Alright We got all of the decoration let's go get Meggy's present.*got bumps* whoops.

Narrator: one of the decoration fall down to the first floor it's a crystal heart that is really expensive.

SMG4: *jaw drop* Nooooooooo!* running down the stair and try to get it while It's falling 

Narrator: He finally got to the first floor and luckily the crystal is still falling and he's almost got it annnndddd He didn't caught it.


Boopkins: I'm so sorry SMG4.

SMG4: I've paid that thing for 70 dollars and now it's broken.*cries*

???: one down.

*9:00 AM BOB'S POV at the Music store*

Bob: What do you mean you don't have My sick beats.

???: Sorry kids I don't know what are you talking about.

Bob: I can't belive it My beats are fire but their no records of it what am I gonna play at Meggy's birthday party.

???: Oh you're going to play some music at someone's birthday? I think I got some Music at the back I'll be right back.

*30 minutes later*

Bob: *snoring* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

???: Here you go.

Bob: AHHH oh thank you."The Notes"? This sound greats  only if I have a Dj.

???:  You're looking at one right now.

Bob: what? *trying to read the name tag* Mr.Musicant. Wait are you?

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