Chapter 1: Arthur really should have figured this out sooner

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            Arthur couldn't even begin to think about what this dumbass professor was saying. It was another over analyzation of a Shakespeare play. This one in specific being King John. "Dude! Why'd I even sign up for this class if it's just gonna be some dude getting a boner over Shakespeare." Arthur groaned to the man sitting next to him. Who just so happened to be his friend Gwaine.

         "Because, dumbass, you said you needed the credits. Remember? Or did your head finally collapse from the weight of your ego." Gwaine snickered to himself and flipped some of his medium length brown hair out of his eyes.

          "Oh can it asshat, we both know you didn't need the extra credits. You're just doing it because of that boy you're in loveeeee with." Arthur clasped his hands together while saying love and giving his best impression of doe eyes. Which in my opinion was not all that good.

         " Fuck you Arthur, and no it's not just because of Merlin. Is he an incentive? Yes. But the reason I'm here? No." Gwaine rolled his brown eyes at Arthur.

        " So then why pray tell is an engineering student in a English literature class that especially analyzes plays." Arthur responded and turned himself to face Gwaine just a little more.

      " Because, Arthur, I really like Edgar Allen Poe." Gwaine smiled at Arthur who gave him a pointed look and his lips slightly turned up into a grin.

        "We're learning about Shakespeare dumbass." Arthur full on grinned at Gwaine and turned himself back to face the front of the lecture hall. 

       "Yeah, yeah whatever." Gwaine also turned himself back to face the front of the board. " I can't help that he's such good eye candy."

       "You know, you've been talking about him since last year and yet no one has ever seen him. I'm starting to think you've gone crazy." Arthur chuckled a little bit at himself.

     "Oh please, we both know you're just jealous because you're not in love." Arthur in turn rolled his light blue eyes to the heavens and back. He wasn't going to tell Gwaine that he was in fact in love. The reason he wasn't going to tell anyone was because he didn't know the name of the person he was in love with. He also finds it kind of off but in his words he "felt a spark like they were soulmates".

      "Oh shut up Gwaine!" Arthur exasperated and ran a hand through his blonde hair. "Fine how about you describe him, and the next time he's here you point him out." 

      "And for your analyzation---" Professor Peterson started. This immediately caught Arthur's attention. 

      "Once he's done." Arthur added to his previous statement and turned himself to face the front of the lecture hall. He started writing down what the professor was saying.

     "That's just a fancy word for homework." Gwaine grumbled to no one in particular, he had already mostly lost Arthur. Why? Because Arthur knew he couldn't fail. If he failed then he wouldn't be able to take over his fathers business and it would be handed to Arthur's sister, Morgana. 

    Once the professor was done everyone in the hall started packing up, "Alright go on, what's he look like?" Arthur asked as he put away his stuff. Whenever Gwaine started talking about his crush, Arthur generally stopped caring/listening but now he actually kind of wanted to hear it.

    "Ok!" Gwaine clapped his hands together and jumped up sort of like an over excited puppy, "Oh, he has the most gorgeous ebony hair and the most adorable, although admittedly large, ears. He's a little scrawny but not in a bad way. And those eyes! Don't even get me started." 

     "Then I won't." Arthur replied while zipping up his bag.

      " He has the most ethereal emerald eyes." Gwaine sighed dreamily.

     "Really? Alliteration?" Arthur couldn't make his way to the steps because Gwaine was in his way.

    " Oh and when they go gold! What I wouldn't give to see that again. I swear to you it had me weak in the knees." Gwaine continued on, not deterred by Arthur's shitty attitude.

   " You've only ever spoken to him once and that was you asking for a pencil." Arthur laughed a bit at his friend. But then. It hit him. The person Gwaine had just described fit the description of Arthur's mystery man. The one where it felt like love at first sight. And I'm not just talking about a vague fitting of the description I'm talking about the exact same feeling.

    "And he gave it to me! That shows that he's kind and considerate." Gwaine ranted not noticing the shell shocked look on Arthur's face. I mean like what are the chances that they were crushing on the same person? Arthur then notices the fact that his love and Gwaine's were out on the same day. He thought over how it could be a coincidence. But then again, sorcerers aren't all that common in this part of America. So one perfectly fitting Arthur's mystery man's description is about as likely as Arthur pulling a winning lottery ticket out of a dolphin's ass. Arthur and Gwaine were both into the same person.

      Arthur really should have realized it sooner.

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