“Well? No use bein’ an arse. Tell me. Man, I’m your best friend.”

 Minho sighed “It doesn’t matter what.”

 “It obviously does, or you wouldn’t be a makin’ such a fuss.”

 “Alright, alright,” Minho sighed “I like her. I like her a lot. I swear, even if I had my memories, I would never like someone so much. It scares me that she can have this effect on me after one day. I can’t stop thinkin’ about her. That’s all I thought about today in The Maze, and we know that can’t be shuckin good when you’re running for your life. I realised I need to distance myself from her, or we’ll all be in deep klunk. We can’t afford mistakes, and me likin’ her is a big one.”

 Minho gasped for air, having said more in the space of twenty seconds than he had in a long time. And more importantly, it was all real emotion, none of his usual cocky crap. He felt the need to sit down, and collapsed onto his knees in fear of the new side to himself he never knew he had. Newt just stared at him.

 “I don’t really know what to say to that.”

 “Neither do I,” Minho replied sarcastically, regaining his cool.

 Newt went and sat beside Minho on the floor and patted his arm awkwardly.

 “There is one piece of advice I have for ya.”

 “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

 “Don’t let go of those feelings.”


 “Shut up and listen, slint head,” Newt warned. “I’m the one bloody tryin’ to help ya.”


 “Alright. If ya think about it, who has she been closest to since she arrived here?”


 “Me and you. And tomorrow onwards, you’re gonna be spending every day with that shuck face. And yeah, she’s beautiful, but ya know I wouldn’t go for her, surely? That was why you were pissed with me, right?”

 His response was a slow nod.

 “Good that. What I’m tryin’ to say is if anyone is gonna have a shot with her, it’s gonna be you. But one thing I know for certain, she ain’t gonna like you if you’re forever givin’ her the cold shoulder.”

 “But she gets in the way…”

 “Only if you let her. Why does it have to be a problem? I’m not sayin’ you should dive in and declare your bloody love for her, but just keep it as a possibility, at least. Come on, man. Don’t lose the only good thing we have over nothin’, yeah?”

 Minho looked Newt in the eye and knew he was right. And he also knew how good a friend Newt was. He had an urge to hug him, and so threw his arms around Newt’s broad shoulders. Newt coughed uncertainly.

 “Umm. Yeah. This is weird.”


 And with that, Minho let go and returned to making his map, the load off his back lessening slightly.


 Newt found Pasty sat alone on a bench near Homestead, staring into the distance. She looked sad, but as soon as she spotted Newt, her face was painted into the smile he normally saw her wear.

 “Hey Newt.”

 “Hey. You alright?”

 “Yeah. I’m just thinkin’.”

 “Any interesting thoughts in that head of yours?”

 Pasty laughed “Not particularly. You find out what’s up with Minho?”

 Newt wavered “He’s stressed. He…has a lot on his mind. The Maze ain’t nice, sister. You gotta be alert, ready for anything. He’ll be fine in the mornin. In fact, he might be better when he has you to watch his back.”

 “He don’t seem like he wants me to watch his back.”

 “Trust me, he does. And I reckon he’ll come and apologize sooner or later. More likely later, but he will.”

 “How do ya know?”

 “Pasty, I’m his best mate. You gotta trust me.” Newt patted Pasty on the back gently and left her to think some more. Meanwhile, Minho had finished making his Map of the day, and was getting ready to speak to Pasty. He tried to plan something sensible to say, to show he really was sorry, but he wasn’t used to thinking in that way, and nothing came to him. He was making his way to Frypan’s kitchen to get some food to help him think when he bumped straight into Pasty, who was seemingly doing the same thing.

 “Umm. Hey Pasty,” he said, shuffling his feet nervously. She didn’t smile at him.

 “Hello. Excuse me…”

 “Wait Pasty,” he said, catching her arm, which she pulled away sharply and glared steadily into Minho’s eyes, waiting.

 “I…I’m really sorry, ya know, about before. It…it wasn’t you. I’ve had a bad day. I wouldn’t normally treat anyone like that, especially not you. You’re the closest I’ve ever had to a true friend, other than Newt. I was completely out of order.” He squirmed, not knowing what to say next without giving his feelings away, but to his surprise, Pasty smiled and took his hand.

 “Apology accepted. If you can get me some food!”

 Minho glanced down at her tiny pale white hand, engulfed by his own large tanned hand. With a smile, he got brave and stroked his thumb lightly across her pale knuckles and squeezed her hand gently.

 “Anything. I really am sorry.”

 “I know,” she said, squeezing back as though to reassure him. Then they made their way to the kitchens, and for some reason, they didn’t let go hands.

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