3. Manik to take stand for nandini infront of his friends.

Beginne am Anfang

Aliya (disgusted tone) : So nandini, how you are feeling to be the girlfriend of my ex- boyfriend?

Before nandini could answer her they heard loud voice and all turn towards door.

Manik( shouted): Aliya just shut up. What are you even talking. Let's not talk about this, atleast not now. ( to nandini) I have called chachi and said to her that you are staying with navya today and ( ordered her) I am taking you to my home and I don't want any argument about this.

By listening his tone Nandini just nodded at him as she know if she oppose him it will wake the monster in him but still she couldn't get over the statement which aliya said and manik noticed it so he just blinked his eyes. By seeing this nandini finally smiled which reflected in manik face. So without giving her time he picked her up, for which widened her eyes and blinked her eyes to understand what just happened. By seeing this manik laughed as she was actually looking cute while doing that. Then he started moving out of the hospital whereas others followed them.

By reaching home, manik again picked nandini in his arms and move towards his room others followed him. By settling her on bed, making sure she is fine, he sat beside her and guestured all his friends to sit( navya went to home from hospital as she is not feeling well so she went to take rest). Manik took nandini hand in his hands to which she looked in his eyes, he blinked his eyes. All these are seeing by his friends. Then manik turn towards his friends and asked

Manik : So guys you were saying something in the hospital and there I couldn't answer your answers so now you can ask I will answer all your questions. So aliya first you can start?

Aliya : How come you and nandini together manik? You really like this behenji? Seriously??

Manik ( lightly smiling) : First of all Aliya she is not behenji, and for me definitely she is not. Secondly why not nandini she is pure hearted girl. Soo and shrugged his shoulders.

Mukti (angrily shouted) : But manik how can you love her, she is not our standard. You are the rockstar THE MANIK MALHOTRA but she is just common girl.

Manik (calmly): I have answer to your question mukti as you told I am THE MANIK MALHOTRA but she tho like manik, may be THE MANIK MALHOTRA have a better choice of girls but manik can't get better choice than nandini

Aliya : You have changed manik, this is not you whom we know

Manik : I know Aliya I have changed, and I am happy that I am changed atleast (looking at nandini) I have my peace.

By seeing manik taking stand of her nandini felt more happiness..she is smiling brightly that bright smile made manik happy. They both looking at each other lovingly they trance broke by Aliya

Aliya : Really manik, then you might know that Dhruv liked nandini then how come you can love her? How can you ditch your own buddy manik? When did you became this much selfish? For your happiness you are with nandini what about Dhruv?

This one question brought all the past memories infront of his eyes which were making his guilty and pain which he felt during those days then he look into nandini eyes which have pain and fear of losing him again. So he just smiled at her and turned towards Aliya who is waiting for his answer.

Manik ( to Dhruv): Buddy whether nandini said to you that she liked you?

Dhruv : No but she made me believe may be she like me.

Manik : May be, that means you are not sure of what she felt too. So it clear that she didn't liked you. ( to Aliya) if Dhruv like nandini means that doesn't mean I should not like her Aliya , What matter is whom she like and to your next question I didn't ditched my buddy because when I like her I didn't know Dhruv like her. Yes I am with her for my happiness because ( looking towards nandini) she is my happiness. ( to Aliya smilingly) So I hope I answered your all questions.

By listening this answer nandini all insecurities gone. She felt like manik indirectly said I LOVE YOU to her without saying.

Mukti : How can you love her manik and you hide this from us. You didn't think once also to inform us before loving nandini?

Manik : So you think I should not love nandini? ( She nodded) May I know why?

Mukti : Because she is not our standard.

Manik: But she is my standard.

Mukti : She is middle class girl and not as rich as us.

Manik : Today I want to ask you all a simple question, answer me ok? So we all are rich right? So how much you people are earning per month ?

By listening this question their faces turn to pale , because they didn't expect manik to ask this question. By seeing their faces manik continued

Manik : So no answer for this Question, fine I will only answer , we are not rich our parents are rich. As you born to them you became rich or else nothing. So just don't say she is middle class and all. Because for me she is the most richest person, as she is most good person, who taught me how to get happiness without using money. ( to nandini) Thank you nandini.


How is the chapter?

what you feel by seeing manik taking stand for his love?


I personally feel manik need to take stand of nandini infront of his friends, because she deserves that much assurance from him

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